My Last Day

There’s some hand­writ­ing on the wall, but I can’t quite make it out…

Many of you know that today was my last day work­ing as a struc­tur­al engi­neer for URS Cor­po­ra­tion here in Rich­mond. My co-work­ers took me out ot a nice lunch at the near­by Mex­i­can restau­rant yes­ter­day and pret­ty much all of my per­son­al belong­ings have been brought home.

It has been good get­ting to work with all of the peo­ple there and I was able to work on some great projects. How­ev­er, I came to real­ize that the kinds of projects I would most like­ly be see­ing there were like the ones I had been doing. That being said, there was­n’t much promise of even more of the same com­ing. I did­n’t expect I would be laid off, but I damn sure was­n’t about see anoth­er employ­ee with kids or some­thing get laid off before me, either.

I will admit that there were some times when I thought that the con­ver­sa­tions on pol­i­tics or reli­gion were going to make my head explode. How­ev­er, when you don’t have much in the way of work­load, peo­ple tend to get into those kind of con­ver­sa­tions. I for one think those are about as appro­pri­ate for a place of busi­ness as cut-off den­im shorts, but that’s just me. All dif­fer­ences aside, I have been for­tu­nate to work with a good group for the last three years.

I hope that all the peo­ple there at my old office will check in here often, as I’m sure I’ll have some­thing to say about my new work­place. Also, that way, they can real­ly get to know my opin­ion on all sorts of things I did­n’t real­ly care to dis­cuss at work… such as cut-off den­im shorts. Man, I hate those things…

Categorized as General

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

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