My Life by William J. Clinton

Not so much a straight biog­ra­phy, but a auto­bi­og­ra­phy from an Amer­i­can pres­i­dent who real­ly under­stood all the pres­i­dents before him. The kind of per­spec­tive only some­one with this posi­tion and his kind of love for his­to­ry and pol­i­tics could write.

Rethinking My Youth

Vir­ginia up until yes­ter­day had a state law ban­ning sex between unmar­ried individuals.

Categorized as Politics

U.S. Can’t Find Its Ass

The BBC reports some shock­ing news this morn­ing; the Unit­ed States has offi­cial­ly giv­en up its search for Weapons of Mass Destruc­tion. No, seri­ous­ly. How­ev­er, O.J. Simp­son con­tin­ues search­ing for the killer of his ex-wife and her friend on the golf-cours­es of Amer­i­ca. Will this affect the Iraqi elec­tions held lat­er this month? I doubt… Con­tin­ue read­ing U.S. Can’t Find Its Ass

Categorized as Politics

Apple Stakes Its Claim

Apple seems to be tak­ing the Tar­get approach to design. That is to say, great design need­n’t be expensive.

Categorized as Geek

My Last Day

There’s some hand­writ­ing on the wall, but I can’t quite make it out…

Categorized as General

TiVo To Go

There is a lot of news going around my house­hold in this New Year. Not the least of which is the fact that tomor­row is the last day of my job at URS Cor­po­ra­tion or that I have sev­er­al new gad­gets that don’t entire­ly work! That’s all for anoth­er time, though. This post is all… Con­tin­ue read­ing TiVo To Go

Categorized as Geek

Bridges In Wired

It’s like Wired mag­a­zine reads my mind or some­thing. They con­tin­u­al­ly print & post the coolest arti­cles on every­thing I love. This is no dif­fer­ent. David Gold­en­berg has writ­ten a nice (albeit short) arti­cle on what he states are the five top bridges in “a third gold­en age of bridge build­ing.” He’s made some nice… Con­tin­ue read­ing Bridges In Wired

Music Industry

I thought I might post some of my thoughts on the music indus­try, where it’s at and where it might be going. How­ev­er, if you aren’t famil­iar with The Long Tail, you have to read the arti­cle which appeared in the Octo­ber issue of Wired Mag­a­zine. Go read it here now.

Categorized as Music

The Sign of Things To Come

You can eas­i­ly see that things are very dif­fer­ent around here. It’s a new year, and I’ve got what appears to be a new site at first glance. I’ve switched from Blog­ger to Word­Press & also switched web servers. This is all thanks to my good friend Jason John­son, who is gra­cious­ly help­ing me get… Con­tin­ue read­ing The Sign of Things To Come

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