The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Not much going on today, oth­er than tons of work and still under the sick spell. I did want to point out a very short, but glow­ing review of the The Coal Men on the Ten­nessean web site post­ed yes­ter­day. Just in case you’re too lazy to click:

You won’t find a short­age of skilled roots-rock bands slin­gin’ chords around on any giv­en night in Nashville, sure, but real­ly, real­ly good ones still stand out.
And The Coal Men — singer Dave Cole­man and cohorts Dave Ray and Jason Hitch­cock — are real­ly, real­ly good, bash­ing out a col­lec­tion of expert­ly craft­ed songs that have as much bite as they do twang. Cole­man’s got a heck of a bari­tone and Ray and Hitch­cock­’s rhythms are spot-on, but their sets are still loose enough to feel lived in.

That’s about typ­i­cal for the Ten­nessean’s reviews of the band. They love the local guys, and they real­ly love The Coal Men. Oh yeah, about locals: If you read (in the Ten­nessean or else­where) last week about the 27 year old female school teacher who was bust­ed for mul­ti­ple counts of rape of a 13 year old boy, then you may have read on to learn that she’s from my home coun­ty. It’s always great to see some­one from a small town strik­ing it big in the news. I did­n’t know the woman back then, although I’m sure I saw her play some bas­ket­ball and rec­og­nized her maid­en name: Pamela Rogers.

Last­ly, on the sub­ject of famous peo­ple, be sure and read Wired’s arti­cle on celebri­ties that come into the Apple Store at The Grove Mall in Los Ange­les. Fun­ny stuff.

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.


  1. Hey Jason, thanks for the name drop. It feels good to have a pat on the back in our home town. Now if only Louisville, Knoxville, Birm­ing­ham, Lex­ing­ton, Char­lotte, etc… would get the memo that we’re pret­ty good, then… we’d have something. 

    Oh well… Yep, the smok­ing gun arti­cle on the teacher mis hap is a lit­tle creepy… Strange things hap­pen in small towns, where there’s noth­ing to do, but do it. Yikes…

  2. So, is the “teacher-tak­ing-get­tin-with-young-stu­dent” thing a reg­u­lar thing in Fen­tress coun­ty? I don’t think this is the first time I’ve heard of such thing hap­pen­ing there. ;)

  3. Woah there. I only have so many read­ers, you know. No rea­son to go and start offend­ing their sen­si­bil­i­ties. Plus, I don’t real­ly know what you’re talk­ing about.

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