Wil Wheaton’s Not Dead

I hap­pened across Wil Wheaton’s site today and I can tell already, he and I are going to be good friends. No, Wil, I’m not going to be stalk­ing you. Plane tick­ets to L.A. are too expen­sive right now. How­ev­er, Wil has a cool site that is all his own. Yep, that’s right. A Hol­ly­wood type that does his own web site (down to the code). I sup­pose many peo­ple already knew all about his site, but hey, I can’t read the whole interenet. If you go to the site, you don’t have to read too many posts to learn that Wil is quite the good geek, and not just about cod­ing. He’s a fan of the dark beers, a good lib­er­al, and actu­al­ly gives a crap what peo­ple have to say. Oh, sure you can chock that up to the typ­i­cal vain, left-coast Hol­ly­wood stereo­types, but I did men­tion he likes dark beers. Explain that away eas­i­ly. Also, he’s host­ed a cou­ple of episodes of “The Screen Savers,” which is pret­ty sil­ver-back for geekdom.

The rea­son I came across Wil’s site in the first place was read­ing Gar­rick Van Buren’s “Wish List”, which cred­its Wil for. This is a great idea. I’m one who has on many occa­sions set out per­son­al life-long goals. Many of which were over a beer with friends, and have long since been for­got­ten. Here’s a list of such goals, out there for the world to see, that can eas­i­ly be re-vis­it­ed from time to time to (in Wil’s words) “see if you’re liv­ing your life, or just exist­ing.” Not a bad idea from some flaky L.A. guy. Okay, I hope you real­ize that I’m being face­tious now.

Any­way, Wil’s get­ting added to my “Else­where On The Web” sec­tion of links. I don’t know most of these peo­ple and they sure aren’t get­ting most of their traf­fic from me (if so, Kot­tke’s going to starve). How­ev­er, they’ve all got good sites with some­thing to say. So, if you get bored read­ing my site, you real­ly should click through to them. I know they’d appre­ci­ate you spend­ing some time on their sites as well. Angela will be hap­py at least. She can eas­i­ly go check up to see what Wes­ley Crush­er’s been doing since TNG. Oh, and I knew Wil was­n’t dead; that was just a joke. I know, it’s not fun­ny to joke about that sort of thing.

Categorized as General

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

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