A Scanner Brightly

I had writ­ten some time ago about get­ting a new scan­ner to replace my aging rel­ic. How­ev­er, the old one was work­ing well enough, I just nev­er had the heart to replace the thing. I mean, why spend mon­ey on a new scan­ner when the one I have does just fine? Well, last month, when hav­ing… Con­tin­ue read­ing A Scan­ner Brightly

Find-Your-Fate Returns on DVD

As a kid, I loved B‑level sci­ence fic­tion and fan­ta­sy books. Of course, of those, none were bet­ter than choose-your-fate books (note: I had most­ly the D&D brand­ed books, myself). Well, they’re back in a DVD for­mat in Scourge of Worlds — A Dun­geons & Drag­ons Adven­ture (actu­al­ly released in 2003). I’ll have to give… Con­tin­ue read­ing Find-Your-Fate Returns on DVD