Stephen Simmons Show

Stephen Simmons Show 1

The Coal Men were sup­posed to be play­ing in Ash­land tomor­row night (the fourth), but as things hap­pened, that show fell through. How­ev­er, Tues­day before last, Dave called me up to let me know he’d be in town with Stephen Sim­mons to play a show on the 27th. I real­ly enjoyed Stephen’s show last time and this time even more so, since I had been lis­ten­ing to a cou­ple of his albums and knew the music. I tried to take a bunch of pho­tos, but I still real­ly suck at low-light stuff. The best of them made it to Flickr. Speak­ing of pho­tograph­ing live music, if you haven’t seen Scot­t’s pho­tos of Mojave 5 from that same week­end, you should check them out. I’m going to have to hit him up for some advice. 

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

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