We’re Having A Baby

Well, it’s prob­a­bly the worst kept secret of our lives, but just so the whole world knows: …and we’re both real­ly excit­ed. We had our first doc­tor’s vis­it this after­noon and every­thing looks great! So, around late August the whole world will get to know baby Cole­­man-Dyer (or Dyer-Cole­­man, we’re still work­ing that out). We’ve been dying… Con­tin­ue read­ing We’re Hav­ing A Baby

MacWorld SF – 2007 Edition

It looks like this is an annu­al thing for me, so I’ll give it anoth­er go. Angela and I are ever-so-slow­­ly mak­ing the shift (back) towards using Apple hard­ware and soft­ware in our lives, so I do have quite a bit of inter­est in Mac­World each year. Plus, it’s nice to watch the stock jump!… Con­tin­ue read­ing Mac­World SF – 2007 Edition

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