Our First Ultrasound

Angela and I went to the doc­tor yes­ter­day morn­ing to have our first ultra­sound. There’s not much to see at 10 weeks, but see­ing a lit­tle flut­ter of pix­els which the nurse referred to as a heart­beat was a great sense of both relief and excite­ment. The nurse also quick­ly point­ed out the head of our lit­tle per­son, after watch­ing many par­ents-to-be like us stare in con­fu­sion, no doubt. Theres not too much there, oth­er­wise. The nurse took a few mea­sure­ments and the soft­ware made some esti­mates of age (appar­ent­ly about three cen­time­ters equates to rough­ly 10 weeks).

T-Minus 30 Weeks

Our kid is one-half cranium.

The ultra­sound machine, by the way, was awe­some. It essen­tial­ly mapped out Ange­la’s low­er abdomen in real time, allow­ing the nurse to click points and label them (are they called way points when their inter­nal?). I can’t claim as it’s high res­o­lu­tion, because the pic­ture you see here is about actu­al size (depend­ing on the size and res­o­lu­tion of your screen, of course). How­ev­er, giv­en that it was just bounc­ing a bunch of sound waves around and we could see our child com­ing togeth­er was much cool­er than I would have ever guessed. Some great technology.

Categorized as Baby

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

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