Gary Gygax Passes Away at Age 69

From Wired:

Gary Gygax, one of the co-cre­ators of the Dun­geons & Drag­ons role-play­ing game, died Tues­day morn­ing at his home in Lake Gene­va, Wis­con­sin, accord­ing to Stephen Chenault, CEO of Troll Lord Games. Gygax designed the orig­i­nal D&D game with Dave Arne­son in 1974, and went on to cre­ate the Dan­ger­ous Jour­neys and Lejendary Adven­ture RPGs, as well as a num­ber of board games.

Gygax’s lega­cy is that he helped to cre­ate much of what we now call gam­ing — be it with dice, on a com­put­er, or on a con­sole. His game was played by pret­ty much every­one my age (well, the males, any­way). He cer­tain­ly won’t be forgotten.

D&D - Remembering Gary Gygax
D&D — Remem­ber­ing Gary Gygax
Oh, I was such a nerdy kid.
…oh, I’m such a nerdy adult.
I saw my box of of D&D stuff in the garage while look­ing for a sock­et set and thought this might be a fit­ting pho­to for this blog post.

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.


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