TiVo Releases Biggest Update in a Decade

In some­thing of a sur­prise to me, Cole­­man-Dyer house­hold favorite TiVo released a updates pret­ty much every­thing today. Pri­mar­i­ly, they showed off their upcom­ing DVR hard­ware, called TiVo Pre­miere. I have to say, it looks very slick: The new hard­ware is a small­er form fac­tor and has a very stream­lined look. What’s more, the new remote… Con­tin­ue read­ing TiVo Releas­es Biggest Update in a Decade

Portal Gets a Mysterious Update

Also in the sur­prise-to-me-release cat­e­go­ry, Valve released a rather strange update to their 2007 hit Por­tal today. Though not much in terms of game­play was added, the ever-present radios placed through­out the game now seem to have some sort of sig­nif­i­cance. Car­ry­ing the radios to var­i­ous points with­in the lev­el unlock a new game achieve­ment.… Con­tin­ue read­ing Por­tal Gets a Mys­te­ri­ous Update