I Knew It

RT @thecodinglove: I KNEW IT pic.twitter.com/JviYKURkgL — The Cod­ing Love 🖥🤦‍♂️ (@thecodinglove) May 29, 2019

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The Bazz Fuss

You know a pro­jec­t’s been lin­ger­ing too long when your son — who could­n’t care less about gui­tar or effects ped­als — won­ders into your office one day, points to a jum­ble of wires and com­po­nents, and asks “are you ever going to fin­ish this thing?”  That “thing” is the bazz fuss cir­cuit I sol­dered onto… Con­tin­ue read­ing The Bazz Fuss

Game of Thrones Has Ended

…but A Song of Fire & Ice has not. I’m actu­al­ly sev­er­al sea­sons behind on the show so I did­n’t even watch the finale last night. While I’m some­what avoid­ing spoil­ers, I’m not too con­cerned about it. Because it became very clear to fans of the books series from about sea­son 2 or 3 that… Con­tin­ue read­ing Game of Thrones Has Ended

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I.M. Pei

The glass pyra­mid at the Lou­vre, designed by I.M. Pei. Usu­al­ly referred to as the “con­tro­ver­sial” pyra­mid. I was in awe, if you can’t tell by this photo.

Four­teen years ago, when Angela and I vis­it­ed Paris, I took this pho­to inside the Lou­vre pyra­mid. I post­ed it to Flickr with the attached cap­tion. Pei passed away yes­ter­day at the age of 102 after hav­ing for­ev­er changed archi­tec­ture around the world.

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Honda Pilot Tow Hitch

We down­sized from a Hon­da Odyssey mini­van last year to a Hon­da Pilot. It’s been a great vehi­cle (despite the lack of a vol­ume knob). How­ev­er, one of the biggest dis­ap­point­ments last sum­mer was that we could no longer toss four bicy­cles in the back of our vehi­cle and go to a park for a… Con­tin­ue read­ing Hon­da Pilot Tow Hitch

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@GlenCasada What do you mean you don’t tol­er­ate this behav­ior? You paid him a $200k salary know­ing full well his behav­ior since he rou­tine­ly texted you about it and you even asked if you can touch? It’s dis­gust­ing, you knew, and you should resign now. #Resign­Casa­da