Windows Explorer in Windows 8

I read this post on Improve­ments in the Win­dows Explor­er ear­li­er today with quite a bit of excite­ment. There’s a lot to learn in here about the thought process that goes behind the Rib­bon UI which was devel­oped at Microsoft and is final­ly reach­ing the Explor­er win­dow. I, per­son­al­ly, wel­come the changes and think it… Con­tin­ue read­ing Win­dows Explor­er in Win­dows 8

Categorized as Apple, Geek

Get Your Backup On

Today is World Back­up Day. Now, before you start look­ing over your shoul­der or throw­ing the car in reverse, keep in mind this means back­ing up your data. As in hard dri­ves. The Prob­lem The fact that most peo­ple prob­a­bly don’t real­ly think about data when they hear the phrase back up does­n’t real­ly bode well… Con­tin­ue read­ing Get Your Back­up On

Categorized as Geek

Printing in iOS With Your Old Printer

The fea­ture that I (and I’m sure, many) was most look­ing for­ward to in iOS 4.2 was print­ing. Apple adver­tised this as one of the main fea­tures and, hav­ing used Bon­jour to con­fig­ure many a print­er in the past, I looked for­ward to actu­al­ly being able to use it. Bon­jour is Apple’s near­­ly-zero con­fig­u­ra­tion util­i­ty… Con­tin­ue read­ing Print­ing in iOS With Your Old Printer

Categorized as Apple, Geek

Dark Sun Worldwide Game Day Recap

While I might not be the strongest believ­er in fate, I hap­pi­ly rec­og­nize and accept serendip­i­ty when it occurs. I had signed up for the lastest Dun­geons & Drag­ons World­wide Game Day — to get play­ers famil­iar with the new Dark Sun Cam­paign Set­ting sup­ple­ment — with my local gam­ing group. As it turns out,… Con­tin­ue read­ing Dark Sun World­wide Game Day Recap

Steam on the Mac

While I think it’s great that Steam is final­ly avail­able for mac users, I’ve still yet to ben­e­fit from it. I first bought Por­tal about two years ago and played it via Boot Camp on my iMac. It was just as won­der­ful as every­one said it was and I had a great time. Some time… Con­tin­ue read­ing Steam on the Mac

D&D Encounters — Week 1

D&D Encounters
The pur­ple-ish mini at the end of the bridge is my tei­fling ardent.

Play­ing the first encounter of the under­moun­tain adventure. 

Archaic Iconography

In many com­put­er appli­ca­tions1, you’ll find a tool­bar which con­tains a save tool & icon. Almost with­out fail, that icon is of a flop­py disk (most close­ly resem­bling a blue 3 1/2″ flop­py). But why not a com­put­er hard dri­ve (though those often end up look­ing like sar­dine tins in small icons) or a reel-to-reel… Con­tin­ue read­ing Archa­ic Iconography

Categorized as Geek

Using Location Based Social Networking Sites

As I’ve become more and more attached to using Twit­ter, I (like most every­one else) has enjoyed adding more rich infor­ma­tion into tweets. I per­son­al­ly love includ­ing links to a pho­to, which essen­tial­ly ren­ders a tweet to a cap­tion (Arguably it also adds a 1,000 words or so to your actu­al tweet length). I have… Con­tin­ue read­ing Using Loca­tion Based Social Net­work­ing Sites