TiVo Releases Biggest Update in a Decade

In some­thing of a sur­prise to me, Cole­­man-Dyer house­hold favorite TiVo released a updates pret­ty much every­thing today. Pri­mar­i­ly, they showed off their upcom­ing DVR hard­ware, called TiVo Pre­miere. I have to say, it looks very slick: The new hard­ware is a small­er form fac­tor and has a very stream­lined look. What’s more, the new remote… Con­tin­ue read­ing TiVo Releas­es Biggest Update in a Decade

Portal Gets a Mysterious Update

Also in the sur­prise-to-me-release cat­e­go­ry, Valve released a rather strange update to their 2007 hit Por­tal today. Though not much in terms of game­play was added, the ever-present radios placed through­out the game now seem to have some sort of sig­nif­i­cance. Car­ry­ing the radios to var­i­ous points with­in the lev­el unlock a new game achieve­ment.… Con­tin­ue read­ing Por­tal Gets a Mys­te­ri­ous Update

Whiskerino — Day 90

Whiskerino - Day 90
Whiskeri­no — Day 90 (Clame­bute) - That’s Icewind Dale direct­ly North of my right shoul­der for you Driz­zt fans out there

This is my pho­to trib­ute to a pic­ture by Trey tak­en on Day 20 of Whiskeri­no. And if that map looks famil­iar to you (or, per­haps, not all if you’re not a D&D fan), that’s because:

What It Says and What It Does

Ars Tech­ni­ca reports that the FCC asked the pub­lic how and if the term “broad­band” (as in inter­net con­nec­tion) should be defined, after it had pro­posed that “basic broad­band” as sim­ply 768kbps to 1.5Mbps (as in con­nec­tion speed). They also seemed to think that this should be based on the actu­al speed that providers have,… Con­tin­ue read­ing What It Says and What It Does

Some Nerd Treasures in the Attic

We’ve been in Spring clean­ing mode here around the house. Angela went through our old file cab­i­net, comb­ing over records for the past decade plus. We also both chucked most of our papers and files from col­lege. That alone end­ed up being ten box­es to take to the doc­u­ment shred­ding & recy­cling place. In the process,… Con­tin­ue read­ing Some Nerd Trea­sures in the Attic

PodCamp Nashville 2009 Wrap Up

I and about 400 oth­er folks attend­ed Pod­Camp Nashville this past Sat­ur­day. Per­haps the idea of a free, vol­un­teer run con­fer­ence kind of gave me some low expec­ta­tions (I’d nev­er been to a bar-style, un-con­fer­­ence before). But it was with­out need as the con­fer­ence was time well spent.  I attend­ed sev­en dif­fer­ent ses­sions dur­ing the day: “From… Con­tin­ue read­ing Pod­Camp Nashville 2009 Wrap Up

Wednesday Night D&D Group

Some­time in the Fall 0f 2008, I joined a group of folks I met through a Meet­up at Mike’s place in Spring Hill to play 4th Edi­tion D&D. This is a back-post of some pho­tos I took from a cou­ple of games in Feb­ru­ary 2009. The orig­i­nal pho­tos (and com­ments) are on Flickr.