Gladwell Dash Anderson

There’s been a lot to do about Mal­colm Glad­well’s crit­i­cism (some­what heat­ed giv­en Glad­well’s usu­al­ly calm writ­ing and demeanor) of Chris Ander­son­’s new book Free: The Future of a Rad­i­cal Price 1. I’m a fan of both Glad­well and Ander­son, though I think Ander­son­’s The Long Tail was a much more down-to-earth book when it… Con­tin­ue read­ing Glad­well Dash Anderson

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PediPaws — Not As Advertised

Mag­gie, our over­­ly-sen­si­­tive Airedale ter­ri­er, has some gnarly claws. I mean, she’s bread for dig­ging up larg­er rodents and snap­ping their necks, so one can hard­ly blame her. It’s just what she is. Her claws are those black, real­ly brit­tle type that are very tough to trim. The only way to do it that does­n’t… Con­tin­ue read­ing Pedi­Paws — Not As Advertised

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PodCamp Nashville 2009 Wrap Up

I and about 400 oth­er folks attend­ed Pod­Camp Nashville this past Sat­ur­day. Per­haps the idea of a free, vol­un­teer run con­fer­ence kind of gave me some low expec­ta­tions (I’d nev­er been to a bar-style, un-con­fer­­ence before). But it was with­out need as the con­fer­ence was time well spent.  I attend­ed sev­en dif­fer­ent ses­sions dur­ing the day: “From… Con­tin­ue read­ing Pod­Camp Nashville 2009 Wrap Up

Live Blogging the BSG Final Season Premiere

The begin­ning of the end of Bat­tlestar Galac­ti­ca. Angela and I are watch­ing: Well, Earth sure a drag. Hey! Hera uses the same plas­tic spoons as Ains­ley. That beach where Tyrol is hav­ing some flash­back to old Earth… is that actu­al­ly the beach at Stan­ley Park in Van­cou­ver? Well, Star­buck. I guess you’re the twelfth and… Con­tin­ue read­ing Live Blog­ging the BSG Final Sea­son Premiere

Kodak Zi6 First Impressions

So, as part of one of my goals for 2009, we’re start­ing to shoot more video (most­ly of Ains­ley, natch). We’ve done so in the past, but with not with any reg­u­lar­i­ty. Though one can­not ignore the fact of lazy par­ent­ing, I do think there are oth­er more sig­nif­i­cant issues con­tribut­ing to our lack of… Con­tin­ue read­ing Kodak Zi6 First Impressions

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MacWorld SF — 2009 Edition

For the past few years, I’ve jot­ted down some post-game thoughts on Apple’s announce­ments dur­ing their keynote at Mac­World1. I sup­pose — like the major­i­ty of folks, no doubt — I was a bit under­whelmed by this year’s address. Not that Schiller him­self did a bad job, mind you. It’s just become clear that Apple… Con­tin­ue read­ing Mac­World SF — 2009 Edition

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Goals, Not Resolutions

Over the years, I’ve decid­ed that set­ting for goals is a bet­ter notion that res­o­lu­tions. A res­o­lu­tion is some­thing that, once you’ve broke it there seems lit­tle point in keep­ing it from then on. They are so all-or-noth­ing. A goal is some­thing to keep striv­ing for. Even if you don’t reach it, at least you’ve… Con­tin­ue read­ing Goals, Not Resolutions

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The View Gets Better

Two Thou­sand and Eight is final­ly wind­ing down to a close. Sit­ting at my desk, star­ing out the office win­dow over­look­ing the park. It’s hard for me to real­ly recall all that has gone on in the past year or so that got me here. I remem­ber being upset, frus­trat­ed — angry, even. A lot. How­ev­er,… Con­tin­ue read­ing The View Gets Better