Mars’s Peroxide Snow Would Kill Any Surface Life

Dust storms on Mars appear to be cre­at­ing a snow of bleach­like chem­i­cals that make their way into the plan­et’s soil—rendering life as we know it impos­si­ble on the red plan­et’s sur­face, sci­en­tists report.

Giant Robot Imprisons Parked Cars in New Jersey

The robot that parks cars at the Gar­den Street Garage in Hobo­ken, New Jer­sey, trapped hun­dreds of its wards last week for sev­er­al days. But it was­n’t the tech­nol­o­gy car own­ers had to curse, it was the terms of a soft­ware license.

Winter Solstice Sees Mars Rovers in Good Shape

NASA’s solar-pow­ered rovers reached the dark­est part of the Mar­t­ian year on Tues­day, with the arrival of the win­ter sol­stice in the plan­et’s south­ern hemi­sphere. The rovers are suf­fer­ing from age­ing hard­ware, but con­tin­ue to reveal new things about Mars.