Why HDTV Isn’t Going Mainstream Anytime Soon

When you tell so many peo­ple that their elec­tron­ics won’t do what they should do—what they paid for them to do—many of them are not going to like it. Ars Tech­ni­ca has a great arti­cle on why HDCP, as well as oth­er con­tent pro­tec­tion sys­tems, are actu­al­ly going to dri­ve cus­tomers more towards pira­cy and,… Con­tin­ue read­ing Why HDTV Isn’t Going Main­stream Any­time Soon

Google Library

Sci-Fi author and blog­ger Cory Doc­torow has writ­ten an excel­lent arti­cle at Boing­Bo­ing on why Google Book Search is one of the great­est things to ever hap­pen to the inter­net. Typ­i­cal of his writ­ing, it’s well worth the read and he demon­strates, at least in this case, how Google’s build­ing of the new Library of… Con­tin­ue read­ing Google Library

The IT Crowd

I watched the first three episodes of Chan­nel 4’s The IT Crowd last night. IT’s a show done by the writer behind Father Ted, also a very fun­ny show. IT does­n’t dis­ap­point, either. IT is online at Chan­nel 4’s site, but only avail­able to UK res­i­dents. I’d love to see this for­mal­ly brought over to… Con­tin­ue read­ing The IT Crowd

Chuck Norris Facts

Okay, so I had read about Chuck Nor­ris facts on Boing­Bo­ing, but just did­n’t find the humor in it. That, of course, was because I had­n’t read any Chuck Nor­ris Facts. Are you all begin­ning to see that I’m about about two steps behind the cool kids on the inter­net? My favorite one (so far):… Con­tin­ue read­ing Chuck Nor­ris Facts

And You Thought My T‑Shirt Was Cool

…and you thought my t‑shirt was cool. Online pub­lish­er Blurb has announced their “slurp­er” that will grab con­tent from you blog and turn it into a very slick look­ing cof­fee table book. I real­ly love the idea of bring the online world into the phys­i­cal world, and these books look very nice.


Well, the keen read­er may notice I’m play­ing around with the style of this site some. One lit­tle CSS tip that I can pass on, for those of you who care to know: dif­fer­ent browsers han­dle the error of replac­ing { with ( very dif­fer­ent­ly. Where­as Opera 8.0 and IE6 try their best to cope,… Con­tin­ue read­ing CSS Tip

Wired Features Storm Resistant Homes

Wired has an arti­cle on design­ing storm resis­tant hous­ing that is becom­ing a pop­u­lar option for rebuild­ing in the Gulf Coast. Ideas includ­ing low cost hous­ing (like I wrote about last week), steel homes designed in PA, float­ing homes from Ams­ter­dam, and rein­forced con­crete domes.

Find-Your-Fate Returns on DVD

As a kid, I loved B‑level sci­ence fic­tion and fan­ta­sy books. Of course, of those, none were bet­ter than choose-your-fate books (note: I had most­ly the D&D brand­ed books, myself). Well, they’re back in a DVD for­mat in Scourge of Worlds — A Dun­geons & Drag­ons Adven­ture (actu­al­ly released in 2003). I’ll have to give… Con­tin­ue read­ing Find-Your-Fate Returns on DVD

Outlook Hack

So many things in Win­dows (and on a Mac/Linux machine for that mat­ter) require you to con­firm dele­tion, that it’s become a reflex to hit [Delete] & [Enter] in rapid suc­ces­sion. Sad­ly, the oth­er day I delet­ed the very hand “Unread Mail” from Out­look. It’s a very handy way to imme­di­ate­ly keep on top of… Con­tin­ue read­ing Out­look Hack