GI Joe Live Action Film

I was think­ing about how cool a live action film of GI Joe could be in this ter­ror­ism obsessed age we live in, and low and behold, one may just be in the works after all with a great back sto­ry. Why not? A live action Trans­form­ers film is being produced.

Text Misadventure by defective yeti

Math­ew Bald­win, bet­ter known as defec­tive yeti, has writ­ten a hilar­i­ous post of the past six years of Pres­i­dent George Bush’s career as a Zork-style text adven­ture. No mat­ter what youre polit­i­cal bent, if you loved Zork half as much as I did, you’re going to be rolling on the floor read­ing it (via BoingBoing).

Wilbur Scoville — Father of Hot

In 1912, Wilbur Scov­ille pub­lished a means of mea­sur­ing the hot­ness of a chili pep­per (the Scov­ille Scale) in “The Jour­nal of the Amer­i­can Phar­ma­cists Asso­ci­a­tion.” I was watch­ing a cool episode of Alton Brown’s Good Eats on chile pep­pers last night and thought that my phar­ma­cist friends, espe­cial­ly those who are Alton Brown fans,… Con­tin­ue read­ing Wilbur Scov­ille — Father of Hot

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Of Asides and Remainders

Adding Asides in Word­Press is such an easy hack to your theme, even I can do it! With all due respect to Matt Mul­len­weg though, I’m call­ing my Remain­ders as a nod to Jason Kot­tke, who to the best of my knowl­edge, start­ed the concept.

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Cobra Journal — Part II

It’s as if the peo­ple at McSweeney’s heard my cries at night: “Jour­nal Of A Sea­soned Cobra Vet­er­an” by Kei­th Pille (also, read “Jour­nal of a New Cobra Recruit”). “June 28, 1987 — We sure seem to have a lot of nin­jas on the COBRA payroll.”

Your Image Got Pwnd

Gary Bench­ley makes a hell of a case for always copy­ing images you plan to use on your site, rather than just ref­er­enc­ing them. There are far, far worse things on the inter­net than Stoats, dear friends.

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Yahoo! acquires Flickr (before Google?). I real­ly thought Google was going to buy them up, buy Yahoo! got ’em first.

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Glyphsaw Puzzle

Next time my wife gets me to do a jig­saw puz­zle, I’m going to kick ass.