Marathon? Check.

Well, Angela and I both com­plet­ed the Rich­mond Marathon this after­noon. We both fin­ished in (near­ly) our goal times; Angela a lit­tle bit faster and me just a hair slow­er. How­ev­er, the impor­tant part is that we fin­ished. After run­ning, we cheered on some of the last folks com­ing across the fin­ish line and then… Con­tin­ue read­ing Marathon? Check.

Categorized as Running

Marathon Preparedness

Marathon Pre­pared­ness Orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by super_structure. Well, Angela and I are as ready as we’ll ever be. In less than ten hours, we’ll be on the way to run­ning 26.2 miles. It’s been a long time com­ing (well, six months) and we are ready for it. We went to the pre-race pas­ta din­ner put on at… Con­tin­ue read­ing Marathon Pre­pared­ness

Categorized as Running

Hanging Myself Wirelessly

Around mid­night, while typ­ing ping -t with one hand while the oth­er held a tiny flat­head screw­driv­er point across two Flash ROM pins, I thought to myself “Self, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Categorized as Geek

Kaine Wins!

The Speak­ers Orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by super_structure. Tim Kaine wins the gov­er­nor­ship! Con­grat­u­la­tions to him and his real­ly hard work­ing cam­paign staff. Vir­ginia will be a bet­ter place for the next four years because her cit­i­zens (by about 6%) chose the right man for the job.

Categorized as Politics

Comment Spam Haiku

Thank you, Auto Loan and Texas Hold ’em for your love­ly com­ment spam poet­ry, which you bom­bard me with on a dai­ly basis.

Categorized as Geek, Meta

Lists Galore

Ama­zon has kind­ly added the abil­i­ty to use mul­ti­ple lists under you account.

Categorized as Life

Just Twenty Miles

Yes­ter­day morn­ing, on a sun­ny and cool day, Angela and I ran togeth­er for 20 miles.

Categorized as Running

Aaron & Mary’s Wedding Party

Wed­ding Par­ty Orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by syn­thrab­bit. So, imag­ine my sur­prise when I was look­ing through Trey’s pho­tos of his broth­er’s wed­ding par­ty and I come across this pho­to. Appar­ent­ly I was there, enjoy­ing Don & Dav­e’s com­pa­ny and com­plete­ly for­got about it. But wait a sec­ond, I don’t own any gray pants… Who is that guy, and… Con­tin­ue read­ing Aaron & Mary’s Wed­ding Party

Categorized as Life