Who Do You Pray To?

I believe in God, and I think George Bush and that God aren’t on speak­ing terms, let alone on the same ticket.

Categorized as Politics

Geotagging Flickr with Google Maps

Just look up where you took the pho­to on Google Maps, and then add the loca­tion to your Flickr tags with a click or two. 

Categorized as Geek

Blair’s Mandate

Why is it that when Tony Blair is re-elect­ed with rough­ly 55% of the seats in par­li­ment, the news reports his slim vic­to­ry; ver­sus Bush’s man­date with just 51% of the vote?

Categorized as Politics

Triple Five

Hap­py 5/5/5! (Cin­co de Mayo ’05 as well).

Categorized as General


Angela and I took a trip this past week­end to see a cou­ple of friends from grad­u­ate school who live near Philadelphia.

Categorized as General

Music Inside The Beltway

Angela and I drove up to Alexan­dria to check out Dave play­ing with Jes­si Alexan­der, who was open­ing for Von­da Shepard.

Categorized as Music

My Life In Brief

I’ve been so busy late­ly, I almost for­got I had a blog. You prob­a­bly for­got I had a blog, too.

Categorized as General

Comment Spam

I had no less than 20 com­ment spam wait­ing for me this morning.

Categorized as Meta