@GlenCasada What do you mean you don’t tol­er­ate this behav­ior? You paid him a $200k salary know­ing full well his behav­ior since he rou­tine­ly texted you about it and you even asked if you can touch? It’s dis­gust­ing, you knew, and you should resign now. #Resign­Casa­da

The first trail­er for Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Sky­walk­er came out today. There’s so much to unpack and enjoy about it, but one thing that caught my eye from the trail­er & the Star Wars Insta­gram post about it was Kilo Ren’s helmet:

For the moment, CNN’s head­line is about grad stu­dent Katie Bouman who helped accom­plish some­thing extra­or­di­nary because she’s real­ly bril­liant. The world’s pret­ty messed up, but for its great to see smart peo­ple get famous for awe­some things.

Thank this grad student for first black hole image

[Adden­dum: Dr. Bouman gave a TedX Talk a cou­ple of years ago on how a com­put­er sci­en­tist such as her­self end­ed up work­ing on a globe-span­ning astro­physics project and how the her imag­ing algo­rithm would even­tu­al­ly help make the image possible.]

When Bruce Schneier weighs in on the secu­ri­ty impli­ca­tions of gov­ern­ment actions, we should all pay attention:

We can­not build a back­door that only works for a par­tic­u­lar type of gov­ern­ment, or only in the pres­ence of a par­tic­u­lar court order.

This is the per­son that coined the phrase “secu­ri­ty the­ater” and he isn’t in the habit of mak­ing up unlike­ly sto­ries to scare us. He is, how­ev­er, very good at under­stand­ing real risks to secu­ri­ty for peo­ple, busi­ness­es, and countries.

I reached 10,000 miles on my Nis­san LEAF this past Sun­day evening. It’s prob­a­bly a lot less than nor­mal dri­ving for about 22 months, but just goes to show that an ev is a per­fect fit for me. I just don’t real­ly dri­ve that far.

10,000 EV Miles

Hit 10,000 miles in my LEAF while dri­ving to pick up Chipo­tle, which was a high­ly like­ly cir­cum­stance know­ing our family.