Still Running

This morn­ing I ran my first race since Thanks­giv­ing. Sad to say, I haven’t kept up my (self-)promise to run at least one race every month of the year, as I did­n’t do any last month. What’s worse, I real­ly did­n’t run much at all last month.

Well, Angela and I have at least start­ed the new year off right by try­ing to run 3–4 days a week. This morn­ing, I ran the 22nd Annu­al Frost­bite 15k. I’ve been want­i­ng to run this race ever since mov­ing to Rich­mond, but nev­er had the guts to go out and run 9+ miles in the cold. Well, after learn­ing a great deal about run­ning over the past year, I knew I had it in me this time. I cer­tain­ly could have been bet­ter pre­pare; I haven’t run more than a 10k since the marathon, which was 2½ months ago! How­ev­er, it still went about as good as I could have hoped for. I was shoot­ing for 80 min­utes and ran it in 1:21:33. Not the fastest I’ve ever ran, but I felt okay upon fin­ish­ing and Angela still let me back in the house upon my return.

Now, I’m going to go enjoy some well earned break­fast and be lazy until noon.

Categorized as Running

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.


  1. Con­grat­u­la­tions. I’m still try­ing to get up the guts to reg­is­ter for the Music City 1/2 Marathon. I’ve nev­er been much of a run­ner, but I also don’t want to be out­done by Stacie. :)

  2. Well, I think you can do it. You’ll have to start your train­ing soon. Of course, don’t think Rocky-train­ing-to-fight-the-Russ­ian. Think more of build­ing up endurance so you can han­dle 2+hours of run­ning. You don’t have to push your­self to the lim­it, just build up to the long run.

    Oh, and, of course, not get­ting schooled by a girl. I’d lose all respect for you. Of course, I’m jok­ing, since I rou­tine­ly get beat by women, chil­dren, the elder­ly, peo­ple with walk­ers, etc.

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