On The Move

Well, first, I hon­est­ly feel like I owe the world an apol­o­gy for not writ­ing more. It has been insane­ly busy the past week at work for a vari­ety of rea­sons I’m not going to go into, main­ly becuase I’m not at work now and I don’t want to think about it. I’ve got some free time and I’m going to spend it writ­ing about oth­er things.

Last week­end, Angela and I took a short trip to Nag’s Head, NC to spend with some friends of ours. We left after our long run on Sat­ur­day morn­ing and it was an insane­ly long dri­ve to get over there for some rea­son, but gave us a chance to see how we liked our Escape on some longer trips. Well, we could­n’t be hap­pi­er. The beach was fun, although I did man­age to lose two pairs of sun­glass­es in as many days. This was due part­ly to the fact that I can’t seem to learn that wear­ing sun­glass­es in the ocean might be a bad idea and also the fact that the Atlantic was being par­tic­u­lar­ly chop­ping and fero­cious that week­end. Odd­ly enough, I man­aged to hang onto them even when I fell off of Ross’s Hon­da water­craft twice in a row.

Sun­day was a fren­zied dri­ve back to Rich­mond to make it just in time to pick the dogs up from dog­gie Sum­mer Camp at Hol­i­day Barn (yes, there real­ly is such a thing and yes we paid $30 for them to get to play in activ­i­ties with oth­er dogs). It’s always nice to get away for the week­end, but of course we were exhaust­ed on Mon­day morn­ing. Turns out, this was a bad week to be exhaust­ed for (I know I said above I was­n’t going to get into it, but breifly&hellip). My office man­ag­er (and the Rich­mond branch’s head struc­tur­al engi­neer) was on vaca­tion all week and when there’s only three of us engi­neers, it increas­es the work load of the oth­ers when one of us takes off. Noth­ing wrong with that, it’s just the way things are when you work for a small com­pa­ny. That cou­pled with a few unex­pect­ed project-relat­ed supris­es this week made for some fran­tic days. Any­way, I had worked enough extra I was able to leave ear­ly yes­ter­day to begin our trip for this weekend.

Last night we drove down to Cookeville, TN to help Ange­la’s par­ents move across town to a small­er one-sto­ry house just north of TTU. We just came back from check­ing the home out and meet­ing the neigh­bors (who hap­pen to be some old fam­i­ly friends of the Dyer’s), and it’s real­ly ter­riff­ic. Now the rea­son we’re here is so that Angela can go through all her old things and decide what needs to go back to Rich­mond, what goes to the new house, and what gets tossed out. I’m favor­ing the last option for most items, but it’s not my call. Any­way, we’re also here for some mus­cle, and I’d like to put out a APB to all our friends here in town for some help in that man­ner. In return, you’ll recieve some beer, din­ner, and the love and ado­ra­tion of us. Who could ever need more?

Oh, also, Angela and I are still on our train­ing sched­ule and we’re plan­ning a 10-mil­er for Sun­day morn­ing. We’ll start out at Der­ry­ber­ry Hall at 7:30 am if any of you fast-foot­ed folks are inter­est­ed in going the dis­tance (or even just 3 miles of it) with us. We’ve planned a nice route that will pro­vide some good hills, but also three nice lit­tle breaks for sports drinks and snacks (yes, we run like it’s a par­ty). Any­way, we’d love to have any­one who’s inter­est­ed come out for a good run (rain or shine). We’ll be run­ning only about an aver­age pace of around 12:00 min./ mile, so you’ll have no excus­es for not being able to keep up.

Oth­er­wise, we’ll be in town through Tues­day morn­ing. We’d also like to go out Sun­day evening (ten­ta­tive­ly) for my 30th, if any­one’s up for that. We prob­a­bly par­ty more dur­ing runs than when we cel­e­brate birth­days, so don’t expect any­thing too wild. We’d real­ly just like an excuse to spend time with our friends and fam­i­ly, even if means lift­ing our feet for run­ning, lift­ing fur­ni­ture to move our par­ents, or lift­ing a beer for my 30th.

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.


  1. I would like to go on the run tomor­row espe­cial­ly since I haven’t trained for Vir­ginia Beach, but I have to be at work at eight.

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