Five Fun Things Friday — Independance Day Edition

We keep our­selves pret­ty busy these days. Well, we cer­tain­ly man­age to fill the time with some­thing and hope­ful­ly most of it is worth the time we spend on it. So, this one is a week late, but with good rea­son. There’s always a few high­lights, though:

  1. Footrace — Inde­pen­dence Day morn­ing Angela and I par­tic­i­pat­ed in a Fourth of July 5k/10k in down­town Nashville. Run­ning is always a good way to see a city and this was a real­ly nice race (even with a bit of rain on us). I did the two loops to make a 10k which (sad­ly) marked the longest run I’ve been on in about 15 months. Angela and Ains­ley did the 5k which both mom­my and daugh­ter seemed to enjoy as well. Here’s to get­ting back into shape!
    Nashville Fourth of July 10k
  2. Run­ning with Ains­ley — We recent­ly got a bike trailer/ run­ning stroller com­bo. Since we don’t yet have a baby-sized hel­met, we’ve only used it for run­ning on a cou­ple of occa­sions. How­ev­er, it’s real­ly great for us all to get out and run togeth­er. One of the tough things about try­ing to keep in shape with a lit­tle one in our lives has been hav­ing to find the time for us to go out sep­a­rate­ly so the oth­er could watch her. This handy lit­tle gad­get solves that prob­lem, whether we want to run or bike. It’s too bad we don’t bring the dogs with us. I’ll tell you why though: imag­ine try­ing to run while hold­ing a pair of ropes which are attached at the oth­er ends to a pair of mis­siles, each with a miss­ing tail-fin. That’s what it’s like to run with two terriers.
  3. Nashville Zoo — We got a fam­i­ly mem­ber­ship to the Nashville Zoo on Sat­ur­day and spent sev­er­al hours walk­ing around. It’s real­ly nice (and this after hav­ing gone to the San Diego Zoo back in April).
    Giraffe at the Nashville Zoo

    We were in such a Zoo mood, we even went up to Opry Mills to eat at the Aquar­i­um Restau­rant after­wards. Dave & Steph came out to hang out with us for a while, as well.

    The Aquarium Restaurant

  4. Fire­works — It’s the fourth of July and that means fire­work dis­plays. The one in Nashville is real­ly nice. Frank & San­di go to see them with us on their way back to Alabama.
    Nashville Fireworks
  5. Lisa Loeb — She has a new album out called Camp Lisa and it’s — yep! — a col­lec­tion of camp songs. She is doing some in store shows at Barnes & Noble and we got to see her this past Mon­day evening. My broth­er Dave also came out to see her and to hang out with us (he’s a big fan).
    Us with Lisa Loeb

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

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