Thomas Carroll Coleman, Sr. 1918–2012

Thomas Carroll Coleman, Sr. 1979

My grand­fa­ther, Car­roll Cole­man, died this after­noon in hos­pice in Naples, FL. With is wife, Joan, and two of his chil­dren, Kath­leen and James him, he passed peace­ful­ly after a short decline with pneumonia.

His 94 years were a life spent over­com­ing much to achieve the Amer­i­can dream. Grow­ing up dur­ing the Great Depres­sion in Arkansas, he served in the US Army as an x‑ray tech­ni­cian and worked part­ly on farms until he even­tu­al­ly found work in trav­el­ling sales. He mar­ried his sweet­heart, Ruth (my grand­moth­er), and made a career in sales, pur­chas­ing, and man­age­ment with region­al depart­ment stores. After los­ing my grand­moth­er in June of 2001, he lat­er relo­cat­ed to South­west Flori­da where he met Joan, with whom he spent many hap­py years.

There will sure­ly be a more com­plete and accu­rate list of facts of his life to come. But what that brief descrip­tion fails to cap­ture was the remark­able per­son­al­i­ty and intel­li­gence of a man who was the def­i­n­i­tion of a fam­i­ly patri­arch. A man who trea­sured his fam­i­ly and loved to expe­ri­ence life. His opti­mism and wis­dom were an inspi­ra­tion. To me, he was the epit­o­me of style, class, and intel­li­gence. I looked up to him and any time we were togeth­er I saw every­one else doing just the same.

He had a rich life and was rel­a­tive­ly well for almost the total of his years. He left peace­ful­ly and with loved ones near­by. I choose to think he is reunit­ed with Ruth and at rest.

I am tru­ly grate­ful for this remark­able man and all that he did for his family.

Categorized as General

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

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