Jason Coleman

I though it would be a good idea to make a list1 of all of the oth­er Jason Cole­man’s out on the World Wide Web, just in case I’m not your man. It’s very inter­est­ing for me to see what I have in com­mon with the oth­er Jason Cole­man’s of the world (although most of them are here in the U.S. and Cana­da). This is by no means all of the Jason Cole­mans in the world, though. Just a short list of some of the guys who I come across often. Yes I Google my own damn name. So do you.

And thought it’s prob­a­bly true this page helps my Google rank­ing, it actu­al­ly helps these oth­er guys more. I’ve been at the top of the pile there for a while now (like three years). Hav­ing links to all these sites only helps them at my own expense, so please save any accu­sa­tions of try­ing to game the sys­tem. If you just do or don’t want me to men­tion you, then all you have to do is drop me an e‑mail: jason at this domain.

Now, in order to keep up with the times, you can also check out the Jason Cole­man entry at Wikipedia.2

Jason Coleman.info

Jason Coleman(.info)

Cur­rent­ly the only one of few (see next) Jason Cole­mans3 to have actu­al­ly con­tact­ed me (these oth­er guys might still be fake, for all I know), the one who cur­rent­ly calls Wash­ing­ton D.C. his home is also the clos­est online Jason Cole­man, geo­graph­i­cal­ly speak­ing, to me. He is a Peace Corp vet­er­an, spend­ing 2 1/2 years in Gabon, 4 months in Cen­tral Amer­i­can, and 7 months in Namib­ia. He now works at Peace corp HQ in the nations capi­tol. I’ve got to respect a guy whos spent that kind of time in for­eign coun­tries help­ing oth­ers. I wish I could say that I’ve got that in com­mon with him, but my trav­el over­seas has been of a much more casu­al and self-serv­ing nature. Any­way, Jason seems like a great guy and it was great to hear (read) from him.

Jason Coleman(ia.com)

Jason Coleman(ia.com)

I recent­ly was con­tact­ed by Jason Coleman(ia.com) via Newsvine. He men­tioned he had read a num­ber of my com­ments there, and for­tu­nate­ly for the both of us, found most of them agree­able. It’s great to know there are like-mind­ed peo­ple in this world. He and his wife, Tina, have a fan­tas­tic Word­Press pow­ered blog about their fam­i­ly. They cur­rent­ly have two beau­ti­ful daugh­ters and are expect­ing a baby boy in the Fall. Life looks great for Jason and Tina, and that makes this Jason Cole­man pret­ty glad.

Jason Coleman — Artist

Jason Coleman as RoboCop - in Water?

A few weeks ago I was con­tact­ed by a Jason Cole­man who makes his liv­ing as a the­atri­cal make­up artist and body painter. By all due accounts, he’s quite good, too. He cer­tain­ly has the awards to show for it. You can check out a lot of his work, his beliefs, and more about him at his MySpace page [note: we’ll let it slide that he uses MySpace since he said this site was “crazy cool.”] I grabbed a shot of some of his work here, but rest assured he looks dif­fer­ent with­out the Robo­Cop paint on. Not sure how good peo­ple end up in Oma­ha, but he seems like a cool guy and I was real­ly glad to hear from him.

Jason Coleman.com

Jason Coleman(.com) and Dr. Howard Dean

Jason Cole­man of B’ham Alaba­ma has a con­ser­v­a­tive polit­i­cal blog that he’s been run­ning since Octo­ber of 2004. He must of paid a good chunk for the .com address, because I was­n’t will­ing to plunk down the $500 bucks or so it was going for back in August. Any­way, he’s about as far to the right as I am to left, but he’s pret­ty big on space explo­ration, which makes him an okay guy. Maybe some­day I’ll get to tell him about the time for­mer NASA admin­is­tra­tor Goldin told me I should be the first astro­naut to go to Mars. I think Jason would appre­ci­ate that.

Jason Coleman.org

Jason Coleman(.org) near a small town named Coleman

One of my favorite Jason Cole­man’s out there is the .org guy. He’s seems to be a good bit more to the left than Jason Coleman(.com) and far less con­cerned with pol­i­tics in gen­er­al, but then again, most Jason Cole­mans are. He’s a world trav­el with pic­tures of trips to Mex­i­co, Spain, Chi­na, Sin­ga­pore, and Japan. How­ev­er, he cur­rent­ly lives in Korea (although, I think he’s from Flori­da), which is real­ly a coin­ci­dence becuase my moth­er-in-law is from Busan, Korea. Any­way, check out his site for many great pic­tures of places I dream of visiting.

Jason Coleman — Big Huge Games

Jason Coleman of Big Huge Games

The one Jason Cole­man who always seemed to have high­er Googlear­i­ty than me (that is, up until ear­ly 2005), is Jason Cole­man, Chief Tech­ni­cal Offi­cer at Big Huge Games. But is it any won­der when he has worked on some very pop­u­lar games such as Civ­i­liza­tion II and Rise of Nations? He has a cou­ple of degrees in physics and is cur­rent­ly up in Tim­o­ni­um, MD. How­ev­er, if Jason Cole­man has a web site, it must be bur­ried because I have yet to see it. Come on man, you’re a pro­gram­mer! Okay, no need to bust your chops for that. As of Decem­ber of 2005, this Jason Cole­man appears to be the only one who’s men­tioned on Wikipedia, under the entry for Big Huge Games. Way to rep­re­sent, Jason Coleman.

Jason Coleman.ca

Jason Coleman(.ca) is a professional photographer (see the camera?)

Way out in British Colum­bia, Jason Coleman(.ca) makes his liv­ing as a pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­ph­er. If pos­si­ble, I’d have hired this guy to come to my wed­ding. He’s damn good and his site has lots of pic­tures of attrac­tive people.

Jason Coleman — Neuroscientist

Dr. Jason E. Coleman - Buckaroo Bonzai

Cur­rent­ly in a post-doc­tor­al fel­low­ship at MIT, Dr. Jason E. Cole­man might just win the prize as the smartest Jason Cole­man around. Sor­ry the rest of us. It’s hard to com­pete with neu­ro­sci­en­tists. Any­way, not only does he appear to be a tal­ent­ed sci­en­tist work­ing to dis­cov­er why our brains remem­ber the way the do. He’s also quite a tal­ent­ed artist.


Well, folks, there are Jason Cole­man’s every­where you look. I just came across the dash .com Jason Cole­man ear­ly one morn­ing. This Jason Cole­man does­n’t seem to update his blog too much, and his bio is com­plete­ly miss­ing. How­ev­er, I would­n’t want to leave him off of the list just because of that.

Jason R. Coleman

Jason R. Coleman

I recent­ly (June 2006) ran across the blog of one Jason R. Cole­man. It looks like he’s into wine and invest­ing. Well, I dig wine (Shi­raz is my cur­rent favorite) and I’m doing my best to learn about invest­ing. I’m also think­ing he’s into web design, which is good because he seems to have an eye for the aes­thet­ic. He seems like a nice guy and read that he recent­ly got engaged. May you name your first son Jason, my friend!

Note: He should in no way be con­fused with Jason R. Cole­man, insur­ance salesman.

Well, I did go back and check my birth cer­tifi­cate based on his new domain name and though I’m pret­ty sure I can make my case, Jason R. Cole­man claims to be the real deal (appar­ent­ly the R stands for real, who knew?). Well, despite call­ing me a pos­er, he’s going to get some addi­tion­al link love based on this post, which I’m under the assump­tion was made all in good fun. Here’s hop­ing we have in com­mon (in addi­tion to an inter­est in wine) a good sense of humor about shar­ing what is an oth­er­wise com­mon and dull name for males born in the 70’s.

Jason Coleman — Musician

Jason F. Coleman - Musician

I’m pleased that the tal­ent­ed pianist Jason Floyd Cole­man has a new album and a new web­site to go with. He’s one of the younger Jason Cole­mans and his the grand­son of the piano leg­end Floyd Cramer (hence the mid­dle name). Though a good bit younger (and vast­ly more tal­ent­ed musi­cal­ly than I), this JC is the clos­est geo­graph­i­cal­ly to me as he’s right here just out­side Music City (aka: Nashville). So, check out his site and enjoy his music. I real­ly like his album with Mea­gan Tay­lor and I’m also look­ing for­ward to enjoy­ing the Christ­mas album dur­ing the holidays!

Jason Coleman — Choreographer

Jason Coleman

I cer­tain­ly wish I could tell you I had more in com­mon with the Jason Cole­man who co-hosts Aus­trali­a’s So You Think You Can Dance?. Sad­ly, I have two left feet and don’t have cool hair like he does. As a chore­o­g­ra­ph­er, he’s had a won­der­ful career — hav­ing chore­o­graphed the open­ing and clos­ing cer­e­monies for the 2000 Olympic Games in Syd­ney. Per­haps doing some­thing we love is what we have in common.

  1. With pho­tos, for visu­al inter­est. I’ve received absolute­ly no per­mis­sion to dis­play any of these pho­tos from their copy­right hold­ers. How­ev­er, in the inter­est of com­mu­ni­ty, I hope that they will under­stand. In fair­ness, they’ve received no per­mis­sion to use my name, either. []
  2. Yes, I know it’s a bro­ken link. We get no love. There is final­ly some con­tent for us on Wikipedia. I per­son­al­ly think there is some cul­tur­al rel­e­van­cy to a lot of the indi­vid­u­als list­ed here — musi­cians and com­put­er game devel­op­ers, etc. I can’t wait till we have a dis­am­bigua­tion page on Wikipedia! []
  3. Well, it looks like Jason Coleman.info is off the web, at least for now. Hope his site is up again soon. []