Simple Skin Test May Spot Alzheimer’s Early

A sim­ple skin test that enables doc­tors to diag­nose the ear­ly signs of Alzheimer’s dis­ease could be avail­able with­in five years, researchers say.

The test could allow doc­tors to inter­vene ear­ly on and pre­vent major brain dam­age, they say.

Wine’s Benefit Knows No Color

More than a decade ago, a land­mark study drove home a mes­sage that res­onat­ed with wine lovers every­where: Drink red wine in mod­er­a­tion to low­er your risk for a heart attack. Now, new results sug­gest that some white wines pro­tect the heart just as well, at least in rats.

Web 2.0, meet Astroturf 2.0

A new report from the non-prof­it group Com­mon Cause details the ways that indus­try groups are set­ting up fake grass­roots orga­ni­za­tions (aka “astro­turf” orga­ni­za­tions) to join the fight against Net neu­tral­i­ty legislation.

The Race For a 100 MPG Auto

Gas prices are up, fuel econ­o­my is down—but the bright­est minds in auto tech­nol­o­gy are about to do some­thing about it. The Aptera con­cept car uses a low-weight, low-drag approach to increas­ing fuel econ­o­my. The goal: 330 mpg for under $20,000 with­in two years.

Neutron Star Clocked at Mind-Boggling Velocity

A neu­tron star has been clocked trav­el­ling at more than 1500 kilo­me­tres per sec­ond. It joins the ranks of oth­er fast mov­ing neu­tron stars, deep­en­ing the puz­zle over how these dense stel­lar corpses are accel­er­at­ed to such aston­ish­ing velocities.