I Suffer From Outrage Fatigue

I noticed a com­ment on a head­line at George Hotelling’s 90% Crud blog this morn­ing that rung true with me. He not­ed that he was suf­fer­ing from Out­rage fatigue over some news arti­cle about rigged e‑vote machines in FL. I don’t know any­thing about the sto­ry, I don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly trust the source (BlueLe­mur, that is), and I’m not address­ing that right now.

I am writ­ing about Out­rage Fatigue, though, which is some­thing I’m suf­fer­ing from, along with being com­plete­ly over-news-ed. I’m mad as hell: about the elec­tion, the state of the union, ter­ri­ble polit­i­cal news sources, and pret­ty much any­thing polit­i­cal at this point. But I’m so over­whelmed at this point, I just don’t care any­more. I sup­pose they’ve got me right where they want me, but seri­ous­ly, what the hell am I sup­posed to do about it?

There is a site that has been real­ly been bring­ing me up, late­ly: SorryEverybody.com. I under­stand that it’s been get­ting lit­tle press state­side, and not much of it good. I can even see why, if you haven’t checked out the site. How­ev­er, this isn’t at all about hat­ing Amer­i­ca no mat­ter what they want you to believe. It’s all about uni­ty and humil­i­ty. It’s also kind of like lib­er­al ‘Where’s Wal­do?’. Speak­ing of which, see if you can’t find my post… (hint: it should be the very end, as I’m in a fol­low­ing, not lead­ing mood late­ly). I still can’t find, thought I sub­mit­ted a pho­to days ago. Maybe that’s a good sign, since there’s cur­rent­ly over 28,000 pho­tos. The best, in my opin­ion, are from oth­er coun­tries show­ing sup­port. Some are real­ly crafty. Some are just plain mov­ing.

Any­way, this site is all about what the inter­net is real­ly good at, despite what some might say: bring­ing the world clos­er. You might think I need a hug right now, being that I’m a tree-hug­ging, bleed­ing heart lib­er­al; but I’d much rather go out for a beer, be you from the left or the right. What d’ya say?

Jason Didn't Vote For Bush

Update 2005–3‑19:
Well, here it is. Now, feel free to leave com­ments about the fact that we’re going away to France next week. I’ve been told by a num­ber of peo­ple that if you at least try and learn a lit­tle French, most Parisians will meet you half-way and are con­sid­er­ably nicer. Well, I have been learn­ing some:

Je n’ai pas voté pour Bush. Je suis une bonne personne.

And just in case you were wondering…

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Categorized as Politics

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

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