TiVo ToGo TooSlow — Redux

So, in the last day I’ve been play­ing catch-up to some folks who have already deter­mined that using Son­ic MyD­VD transcod­ing for .tivo files was not for them either. They’ve detailed they’re steps, so I’ll just take a bit to gloss over mine.

Categorized as Geek

TiVo ToGo TooSlow

After three weeks, I final­ly got my ser­vice update for v7.1 of the TiVo ker­nal yes­ter­day evening. By the next after­noon I had a DVD of record­ed shows. Instant grat­i­fi­ca­tion it’s not.

Categorized as Geek

iPod Shuffle And The Bigger Question

I think that we should con­sid­er how we real­ly lis­ten to our music, and not just what we think we’ll be miss­ing. It’s role in the iPod fam­i­ly is not to be your entire music library on the go, it is just a ran­dom snap­shot of it.

Categorized as Geek, Music

Video Searching Using Google

The pow­er behind this is the use of closed cap­tion to cre­ate search­able text from tele­vi­sion. The nice thing here is that you can search video based on total spo­ken content.

Categorized as Geek

Is Wired Getting Tired?

I’m loath to admit it, but I’m afraid that this mon­th’s Wired mag­a­zine that came sneak­ing through my mail slot this after­noon is not their best work.

Categorized as General

Beauty Is Skin Deep

To any­one who isn’t read­ing this site by Braille, you can tell that the look is chang­ing. Of course, that’s all that’s chang­ing since I’m spend­ing this evening play­ing with the style sheet. To facil­i­tate an on-going dis­cus­sion between myself and the Jedi Mas­ter design­er, Jason John­son, I thought I’d cre­ate a new post to… Con­tin­ue read­ing Beau­ty Is Skin Deep

Categorized as Meta

Fast-Paced First Week

I can hard­ly believe that five whole days have gone by since I start­ed my new job. I have to say that I’m feel­ing a great deal more opti­mistic since my last post, too.

The Village

From all the pre­views last sum­mer, we were both expect­ing a horror/suspense film. Some day, I’ll learn to not trust those advertisements.