Fast Times at Nissan HQ

Today, my daugh­ter and I had the entire day to hang out. We went to out for break­fast, played com­put­er games, went swim­ming, went to the Lego store, and of course, vis­it­ed Nis­san North Amer­i­can Head­quar­ters to check out the Lev­el 3 DC Quick Charg­er for our LEAF. You know, like all 5yo girls enjoy doing.… Con­tin­ue read­ing Fast Times at Nis­san HQ

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What’s the Opposite of Cutting the Cord?

…chuck­ing the gas can, I sup­pose. When we bought a gas/electric hybrid, it was the per­fect vehi­cle for my needs at the time. A 4x4 for vis­it­ing con­struc­tion sites, enough room to car­ry us and the dogs, and good fuel econ­o­my. How­ev­er, in near­ly sev­en years since then, my sit­u­a­tion has changed con­sid­er­ably. I now… Con­tin­ue read­ing What’s the Oppo­site of Cut­ting the Cord?

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