Maple Desk Hutch

When it comes to wood­work­ing projects, I sup­pose my daugh­ter is my num­ber one cus­tomer. At least, she asks me to make her the most projects and they tend to be very spe­cif­ic requests. So when she asked about get­ting a hutch/shelf for her fair small IKEA desk, I fig­ured she might find some match­ing… Con­tin­ue read­ing Maple Desk Hutch

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Kitchen Pans Storage

In every kitchen, find­ing a way to store pots, pans, lids, and so on is a prob­lem. Well, maybe just pil­ing them all up in a low­er cab­i­net isn’t the prob­lem. That is, until you need the big, heavy one on the bot­tom! To fur­ther com­pli­cate things in our kitchen, the big cab­i­net under the… Con­tin­ue read­ing Kitchen Pans Storage

Pizza Oven

I made my very first wood-fired piz­za! I’ve always been a fan of piz­za and I’ve made piz­za at home since I was a teenage (okay, Chef Boyardee kits count, right?). I’ve made my own dough and even tried my hand at my own sauce before. Angela and I upgrad­ed to a piz­za stone years… Con­tin­ue read­ing Piz­za Oven

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Bathroom Shelves

View this post on Insta­gram A post shared by Jason Cole­man (@super_structure) I did­n’t add this on Insta­gram, but it may be worth explain­ing a bit more detail. The birch was left­over from some hard­wood edge band­ing I used else­where in my daugh­ter’s room (more on that once that project is com­plete). The board was… Con­tin­ue read­ing Bath­room Shelves

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So Much Storage

We moved to our new home back in late June. The irony of hav­ing so many projects to do at a new house is that there’s not quite as much time to write about them after­wards. And there have been a lot of projects. Most­ly around stor­age and orga­niz­ing. That means a lot of shelves… Con­tin­ue read­ing So Much Storage

Sliding Mixer Shelf

View this post on Insta­gram A post shared by Jason Cole­man (@super_structure) Some addi­tion­al details on this lit­tle project: the shelf was a piece of scrap 3/4″ maple ply­wood my lit­tle broth­er gave me. I did­n’t want to take the time to edge band the entire thing and I fig­ured a small lip on the… Con­tin­ue read­ing Slid­ing Mix­er Shelf

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Updating Our Bathroom

Angela & I updat­ing our bath­room with new lights, sinks, faucets, and cus­tom mir­rors. After hav­ing com­plet­ed some updates to the oth­er two bath­rooms in our house, I have to con­fess I was some­what dis­ap­point­ed every time I stepped into our “own­er’s” bath, as it was the same old builder-grade stuff. We did­n’t want to… Con­tin­ue read­ing Updat­ing Our Bathroom

Thinking About John Lewis

We lost a giant among men today. I just watched the doc­u­men­tary John Lewis: Good Trou­ble a cou­ple of weeks ago. Though his life took him from rur­al Alaba­ma, Nashville, Atlanta, and the to D.C., he moved the nation for­ward along his jour­ney. This clip from when he won the Nation­al Book Award gives me… Con­tin­ue read­ing Think­ing About John Lewis

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It believes in itself

It does­n’t take itself too seri­ous­ly but it believes in itself.

Tai­ka Waititi

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