A Palsy Victim Performing Brain Surgery With A Monkeywrench

Edi­tor’s Note: Since Steve & Trey left a cou­ple of com­ments about “Sin City” on my last broad-sweep­ing post, I thought I’d final­ly get around to post­ing my review and thoughts on the film… did I men­tion I’ve been real­ly occu­pied lately?

I went to see the late show of “Sin City” a cou­ple of weeks ago. I had heard great things about this movie, and more than just the reg­u­lar hype run­ning up to a Hol­ly­wood bank­buster. This was the movie that was real­ly going to show­case dig­i­tal as a means of shoot­ing and edit­ing film. I read Wired’s arti­cle on Robert Rodriguez’s use of dig­i­tal, and knew that at least I would enjoy the styl­iza­tion and cin­e­matog­ra­phy. I love styl­ized films, and this one goes all the way. But of course, it was that bare-bones, grit­ty style that made Miller’s com­ic such a cult clas­sic to begin with. You can see the pan­els of Miller’s com­ic com­ing to life. The style of this movie is the style of the com­ic book. That is to say, it is the straight black & white to sim­u­late inked draw­ings. The car­i­ca­ture-esque fig­ures of each seedy indi­vid­ual are giv­en voic­es and made to move. Rodriguez and Miller have done the impos­si­ble: they actu­al­ly made a com­ic book film. It took the sto­ry lines of some of the great­est comics every writ­ten along with Rodriguez’s uncan­ny abil­i­ty to make impos­si­ble films (see the sto­ry behind “El Mari­achi,” for starters) and the use of dig­i­tal equip­ment to do it. Sure, we’ve seen many oth­er com­ic book movies, but those were Hol­ly­wood ver­sions of the sto­ry-line; repro­duc­tions only. This is a com­ic book being dis­played in live action on a big screen.

This is the sort of film that does­n’t get made unless some­one like Robert Rodriguez tells Hol­ly­wood execs to bug­ger-off and goes and does it him­self. This film makes no apolo­gies in it’s pre­sen­ta­tion. You are going to be sick at some of the fan­tas­tic bru­tal­i­ty that takes place. This is “Pulp Fic­tion” noir, but sad­ly every­body com­pares every vio­lent film to Taran­ti­no’s big debut (and espe­cial­ly since he guest-direct­ed on “Sin City”). Actu­al­ly, I’d say since you end up lov­ing some real­ly nasty char­ac­ters, it would be more in line with “A Clock­work Orange,” and no-less style dri­ven that than film. A lot of the act­ing is cheesy, to be kind, but that just lends itself to the noir genre. I have to say that Michael Mad­sen’s dia­logue with Bruce Willis comes to mind first. I can’t fault him, or the oth­er actors or director(s) much, though. Hon­est­ly, when you actu­al­ly lis­ten to one of Bogie’s speech­es about dames in those films, it almost seems like a par­o­dy as opposed to the orig­i­nal. It’s just so ingrained into Amer­i­can pop-cul­ture. Cheesy, over-dra­mat­ic lines are part of film-noir like broads and stiffs. It’s Miller’s com­ic twists on the genre that make the real mag­ic, and this film deliv­ers. Mad­sen is such a ter­rif­ic actor (“Kill Bill Vol. 2” and “Reser­voir Dogs” come to mind imme­di­ate­ly, but that’s prob­a­bly because I men­tioned Taran­ti­no), it’s almost a shame to see him say real­ly goofy things to in the sec­ond scene of the film.

Some real high­lights of the movie includ­ed Bruce Willis, who did such a con­vinc­ing job as aging detec­tive Har­ti­gan, it makes me think how good he would be as Bat­man if Frank Miller’s “Dark Knight” was ever made. Nah, Hol­ly­wood would nev­er go for a decrepit, senile old man as Bat­man; but then again, who ever thought “Sin City” would get made as a film? Also, Mick­ey Rourke made the com­ic anti-hero Marv real­ly come to life. He was one of sev­er­al peo­ple who put on some pros­thet­ics to get into char­ac­ter, and real­ly made the thick-jawed, psy­chot­ic Marv come real. Every­body is great in this film, but those two real­ly sold the lines to me.

So pre­pare your­self for a black ink noir fan­ta­sy with lots of vio­lence and odd­ball char­ac­ters. Then go see “Sin City,” and see what is pos­si­ble in film. Two last lit­tle bits: look out for Frank Miller in his cameo as a priest dur­ing the con­fes­sion­al scene, and do not go to www.sincity.com… it does­n’t have any­thing to do with the com­ic and might get you in trou­ble with your boss or wife. You were warned.

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

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