For the past few years, each April 26th I have to look up why it’s “Alien Day”. The date is named after the plan­et LV-426, where the xenomorphs are first encoun­tered in the orig­i­nal, 1979 Rid­ley Scott film. Well, I’ve been a fan of the hor­ror-sci­fi fran­chise since I saw the sequel, Aliens. I’ve since watch any film in the series (good and bad) and read a lot of the comics. So, any­way, hap­py Alien Day to my fel­low sci-fi fans.

Some comics, graph­ic nov­el col­lec­tions, and my attempt at draw­ing a xenomorph from cir­ca 1996.


I watched Pan­do­rum over the course of a cou­ple of days this past week1. I real­ly had­n’t seen or read a lot about the film, oth­er than a trail­er and a very short inter­view with Den­nis Quaid on Leno (or some evening talk show). I was­n’t real­ly sure what to expect; but what­ev­er I was… Con­tin­ue read­ing Pan­do­rum

Terminator Salvation

I got the tip via Twit­ter the day pri­or to the film’s offi­cial release that my favorite local burg­er shop (Burg­ers ‘N Creme) was giv­ing away free tick­ets to an advance screen­ing of the movie (with a burg­er and fries bas­ket — some­thing I love for din­ner, any­way!). It was part of a fund rais­er… Con­tin­ue read­ing Ter­mi­na­tor Salvation

Categorized as Film

Maybe McG Gets It After All

Speak­ing of sum­mer movie thrills, I’m cau­tious­ly opti­mistic about Ter­mi­na­tor: Sal­va­tion, which opens next week. Direc­tor “McG” — of Char­lies Angel’s mon­ey grab remake fame ” makes a good case for going with a PG-13 rat­ing: “It just became clear that the things that would take it to an R or an NC-17 would be:… Con­tin­ue read­ing Maybe McG Gets It After All

The New Star Trek

With two kids now, find­ing time to go out to watch a movie is only a great chal­lenge. Giv­en that Angela is a long-time Trekker and that this was Moth­er’s day week­end, we real­ly want­ed to get out to see the new movie. We’re also big Lost fans and had real­ly high hopes for this film. … Con­tin­ue read­ing The New Star Trek

Who Watches the Watchmen?

Best description/review of the Watch­men film I’ve read yet that sums up my exact feel­ings: Ful­ly deserv­ing of its R rat­ing, this is a sad, vio­lent film about sad, vio­lent peo­ple where the only one actu­al­ly sav­ing the world is the vil­lain. While most super­hero movies are about action and dra­ma, this one’s a straight-up… Con­tin­ue read­ing Who Watch­es the Watchmen?

Live Blogging the BSG Final Season Premiere

The begin­ning of the end of Bat­tlestar Galac­ti­ca. Angela and I are watch­ing: Well, Earth sure a drag. Hey! Hera uses the same plas­tic spoons as Ains­ley. That beach where Tyrol is hav­ing some flash­back to old Earth… is that actu­al­ly the beach at Stan­ley Park in Van­cou­ver? Well, Star­buck. I guess you’re the twelfth and… Con­tin­ue read­ing Live Blog­ging the BSG Final Sea­son Premiere