BitTorrent Rules

Swarm Graph in Azurues

This evening I’m down­load­ing the lastest dis­tro of Xan­dros, which is my pre­ferred fla­vor of Lin­ux (main­ly becuase it requires no knowl­edge of Lin­ux, which is good becuase I have none). Any­way, their free ISO is down­load­able as a tor­rent ($10 for the HTTP down­load). I ori­gion­al­ly used good ‘ol Bit­Tor­rent for tor­rent files, but it start­ed giv­ing me shit and actu­al­ly rarely ever fin­ished down­load­ing any­thing. I usu­al­ly got error mes­sage that I was­n’t allowed to do this or that. Any­way, a few months ago I got Azureus for down­load­ing tor­rents. Man, what a nice piece of soft­ware! You have much more con­trol over send­ing and reciev­ing the file pieces. Also, how else can you get cool visu­als like the one above to dis­play the swarm con­cept of tor­rent files?

Just for the record, I don’t find tor­rent the best way to get movies at home. It takes sev­er­al hours to get a 30 minute TV show (on aver­age, depend­ing on the amount of peers) and I real­ly don’t want to wait the days it would take to down­load a movie I can rent for $3 or even just buy for $15.

Categorized as Geek

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.


  1. I was using the heck out of Azureus a few months back (the Mac ver­sion, of course) to find some great eso­teric stuff that I can’t get my hands on, like sea­son two of Twin Peaks. No one in this whole city had that VHS set for rent and it’s not avail­able on DVD in the states. Any­way, because I have a lap­top I usu­al­ly don’t leave my com­put­er on for long stretch­es so big bit­tor­rent down­loads aren’t my thing. Regard­less, I’ve tried every Mac BT client I could find and Azureus is by far the best.

    As for a fla­vor of *nix that requires no real knowl­edge, well, I’m sureyou know what I rec­om­mend.

  2. Actu­al­ly, that’s sim­i­lar to what I’ve used it for (oth­er than for get­ting this Lin­ux dis­tro, which I would nor­mal­ly down­load via http, ’cause that’s just eas­i­er). Angela is quite a fan of the show “Charmed”, and I was able to find the nev­er aired pilot episode of the show for us to watch. That’s some­thing I could nev­er have done pri­or to some­thing like under­ground file shar­ing via the inter­net. Fur­ther, it’s why I think IPTV is going to huge. Peo­ple can find their Twin Peaks and unaired pilots, even if there’s not a large mar­ket for them.

    As for *nix, I’m a the biggest fan of the Mac OS that does­n’t use it. How­ev­er, my Lin­ux Box is a toy that I’ve spent more time on than mon­ey. It’s kind of my garage project, but it sits on top of my desk. It servers no prac­ti­cal pur­pose what-so-ever. If I were to get a Mac, I would have to jus­ti­fy a great deal more cost, although vir­tu­al­ly no learn­ing curve. Almost the exact oppo­site to this Frankenstein.

  3. to find some great eso­teric stuff that I can’t get my hands on, like sea­son two of Twin Peaks.

    Ack! You have sea­son 2? You must give it to me!

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