Nature Endorses Obama

Nature — One of the two lead­ing inter­na­tion­al sci­ence jour­nals — has an edi­to­r­i­al endors­ing Sen. Barack Oba­ma. Appar­ent­ly, this is the first time in the pres­ti­gious jour­nal’s 139 year his­to­ry that it has ever endorsed a can­di­date — for US pres­i­dent or oth­er­wise. a com­mit­ment to seek­ing good advice and tak­ing seri­ous­ly the find­ings… Con­tin­ue read­ing Nature Endors­es Obama

Seed Magazine Endorses Sen. Obama for President

Sci­ence is a way of gov­ern­ing, not just some­thing to be gov­erned. Sci­ence offers a method­ol­o­gy and phi­los­o­phy root­ed in evi­dence, kept in check by per­sis­tent inquiry, and bound­ed by the con­straints of a self-crit­i­­cal and rig­or­ous method. Sci­ence is a lens through which we can and should visu­al­ize and solve com­plex prob­lems, orga­nize gov­ern­ment… Con­tin­ue read­ing Seed Mag­a­zine Endors­es Sen. Oba­ma for President

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2008 Nobel for Medicine

From the NY Times (empha­sis added by me): The Nobel Prize in Med­i­cine was award­ed Mon­day to three Euro­pean sci­en­tists who had dis­cov­ered virus­es behind two dev­as­tat­ing ill­ness­es, AIDS and cer­vi­cal can­cer.  The oth­er half of the $1.4 mil­lion award will go to a Ger­man physi­­cian-sci­en­tist, Dr. Har­ald zur Hausen, 72, for his dis­cov­ery of H.P.V.,… Con­tin­ue read­ing 2008 Nobel for Medicine

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