Printing in iOS With Your Old Printer

The fea­ture that I (and I’m sure, many) was most look­ing for­ward to in iOS 4.2 was print­ing. Apple adver­tised this as one of the main fea­tures and, hav­ing used Bon­jour to con­fig­ure many a print­er in the past, I looked for­ward to actu­al­ly being able to use it. Bon­jour is Apple’s near­­ly-zero con­fig­u­ra­tion util­i­ty… Con­tin­ue read­ing Print­ing in iOS With Your Old Printer

Categorized as Apple, Geek

The Hyperion Cantos

Last night, I fin­ished the final book in Dan Sim­mon’s epic sci­ence fic­tion tetral­o­gy1, the Hype­r­i­on Can­tos. My imme­di­ate reac­tion to the series’ con­clu­sion was that I only want to read it again. They are just that great of a read. In fact, if any­one who knows me had read these pre­vi­ous­ly and did­n’t rec­om­mend them… Con­tin­ue read­ing The Hype­r­i­on Cantos