Thomas Carroll Coleman, Sr. 1918–2012

My grand­fa­ther, Car­roll Cole­man, died this after­noon in hos­pice in Naples, FL. With is wife, Joan, and two of his chil­dren, Kath­leen and James him, he passed peace­ful­ly after a short decline with pneu­mo­nia. His 94 years were a life spent over­com­ing much to achieve the Amer­i­can dream. Grow­ing up dur­ing the Great Depres­sion in… Con­tin­ue read­ing Thomas Car­roll Cole­man, Sr. 1918–2012

Categorized as General

Health Insurance

I hear and read a lot of com­plaints about health insur­ance rates from friends and fam­i­ly. I fig­ured since I had some good news, it was only fair to post it. Our rate are going up in 2013, by around 3.6% by my cal­cu­la­tion. Out of our pock­et, this results in $10 more per month.… Con­tin­ue read­ing Health Insur­ance

Categorized as General

SS Coleman

My father retired from his law prac­tice about a year ago. More recent­ly, he and his wife sold their home and moved west to Arkansas. In this process, he’s been try­ing to both down­size their house­hold as well as get rid of many years worth of office items. My broth­ers went to help clean out… Con­tin­ue read­ing SS Cole­man

Categorized as Life


It does­n’t amount to mak­ing any dif­fer­ence, but as a rule I nev­er vote for a can­di­date who is run­ning unop­posed. Sad­ly, this hap­pens a lot. Many of the races for Con­gress I’ve ever vot­ed in were this way. There was one elec­tion in Rich­mond, Vir­ginia in which I lit­er­al­ly vot­ed for no one (though I… Con­tin­ue read­ing Elec­tions

Categorized as Politics