Bike Riding

It seems like a small thing, but of all the things I’m most proud of this year, it’s get­ting both kids rid­ing bikes (with­out train­ing wheels, etc.). For Father’s Day this year, we went on an hour-long ride on one of the green­ways in Brent­wood, TN.

Categorized as General

On Marriage Equality

I haven’t writ­ten much on my blog in the past few years, let along any­thing about pol­i­tics. But this has been some week, has­n’t it? Today’s US Supreme Court 5–4 rul­ing strik­ing down anti-same-sex-mar­riage laws —such as those we have had! here in Ten­nessee— feels like a once-in-a-life­­time kind of change. That so many Amer­i­cans… Con­tin­ue read­ing On Mar­riage Equality

Categorized as Politics