My Favorite 9 Photos of 2017

My favorite 9 pho­tos from 2017

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Ok, well, it was pret­ty much impos­si­ble to nar­row this down to nine pho­tos. These cov­er at least some of the high­lights of the past year. They may not all be the best pho­tos (even of mine), but they cer­tain­ly cov­er a lot of what hap­pened over the past 365 days in just nine pictures.

From left-to-right, top-to-bottom:

  • Ains­ley look­ing out over the bow of a Dis­ney Cruise ship last Jan­u­ary as we left Miami.
  • Pago­das from an ancient tem­ple in South Korea.
  • Har­ry and Mag­gie hang­ing out on our stairs.
  • Angela, Wyatt, & Ains­ley watch­ing the eclipse (well, what we could see of it through the clouds).
  • My fin­ished gui­tar boost pedal.
  • Me sport­ing my first bow tie, which my fam­i­ly gave me for Father’s Day.
  • My fin­ished Gun­dam kit.
  • Angela and the kids on one of sev­er­al Fall hikes we did with our moms.
  • Hargie being ridicu­lous­ly cute.
Categorized as General

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

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