Open Source Documentation

This is very hum­bling to me. Last week, at the Doc­Train West con­fer­ence, 25 writ­ers pro­duced a man­u­al for Fire­Fox in just two days as part of the FLOSS Man­u­als project. The man­u­al is freely avail­able online and is dis­trib­uted in a Cre­ative Com­mons CC-BY-SA license. You can pur­chase a print-on-demand copy of the man­u­al… Con­tin­ue read­ing Open Source Documentation

StupidFilter Needs Some Education

Gru­ber had post­ed this after­noon about a great-sound­ing, open-source project titled Stu­pid­Fil­ter meant to help fil­ter out stu­pid com­ments on the web. From the Stu­pid­Fil­ter site: The solu­tion we’re cre­at­ing is sim­ple: an open-source fil­ter soft­ware that can detect ram­pant stu­pid­i­ty in writ­ten Eng­lish. This will be accom­plished with weight­ed Bayesian or sim­i­lar analy­sis and some… Con­tin­ue read­ing Stu­pid­Fil­ter Needs Some Education