Seeds of Joy

I just fin­ished read­ing through my sec­ond issue of Seed mag­a­zine, as I was con­sid­er­ing get­ting a sub­scrip­tion. It’s already been on the news­stand for a year or so, but I tend to be behind the curve on these sorts of things. The mag­a­zine, which comes out bi-month­ly, is fan­tas­tic read­ing. It has the cul­tur­al aspects of Wired, and like Wired, does­n’t pull punch­es when it comes to the sci­ence. The design and lay­out are great, with tons of infor­ma­tion spread through­out. The pho­tog­ra­phy sci­ence-as-art, with many being pho­tos by researchers them­selves. At least one of the two issues I’ve read even gave scales on a num­ber pho­tos for ref­er­ence, which was wel­come infor­ma­tion. I get almanacs of the year’s best sci­ence writ­ing each year, and I’m sure I’ll be see­ing writ­ing from these pages in there along with those from Wired and Sci­en­tif­ic Amer­i­can.

The mag­a­zine is unapolo­get­i­cal­ly pro-sci­ence, which should­n’t be too much of a sur­prise. The writ­ers delve into the pol­i­tics and divi­sions with­in the sci­en­tif­ic com­mu­ni­ty and remind us how these affect our lives and our futures. We are all tied to the sci­en­tif­ic com­mu­ni­ty and Seed brings that rel­e­vance front and center.

Seed’s web­site has a num­ber of their arti­cles and shorts, as well. Also checked out their pod­cast. I high­ly rec­om­mend it. Most episodes are sub-ten min­utes and are enter­tain­ing and infor­ma­tive. Imag­ine an a abbre­vi­at­ed sci­ence show from NPR. My review after read­ing a cou­ple of issues: I sub­scrib­ing for sure as I can’t wait to read the next issue.

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

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