What’s Her Name’s Husband — Part II

Ali­son Piep­meier1 recent­ly wrote a great post on women not not tak­ing their hus­band’s name upon mar­riage. I sput­tered out a few ran­dom remarks in the com­ments sec­tion, but it amount­ed to lit­tle more than inco­her­ent spam. How­ev­er, it did get me think­ing quite a bit on my mar­riage and Ange­la’s deci­sion. Even more recent­ly,… Con­tin­ue read­ing What’s Her Name’s Hus­band — Part II

Challenger Incident at Twenty

Twen­ty years ago today, the U.S. space pro­gram suf­fered what was, at that time, it’s great­est tragedy to date. The Shut­tle Chal­lenger explod­ed in a both glo­ri­ous and hor­ri­ble show­er of flames short­ly after lift-off. Aboard were sev­en explor­ers, some mil­i­tary, some sci­en­tists or engi­neers, and one school teacher select­ed to take part in a… Con­tin­ue read­ing Chal­lenger Inci­dent at Twenty

Outlook Hack

So many things in Win­dows (and on a Mac/Linux machine for that mat­ter) require you to con­firm dele­tion, that it’s become a reflex to hit [Delete] & [Enter] in rapid suc­ces­sion. Sad­ly, the oth­er day I delet­ed the very hand “Unread Mail” from Out­look. It’s a very handy way to imme­di­ate­ly keep on top of… Con­tin­ue read­ing Out­look Hack

Design With Social Purpose

Kat­ri­na Cot­tage by Shawn Lea of Every­thing and Noth­ing (szlea at Flickr). Image CC2.0 Shawn Lea, Jan­u­ary 2006 Flip­ping through this week’s ENR, I saw a blurb about the “Kat­ri­na Cot­tage.” This 300ft² struc­ture, designed by archi­tect Mar­i­anne Cusato (arti­cle at Dex­ign­er) has one bed­room, liv­ing area, kitchen and bath­room. The design is such that the… Con­tin­ue read­ing Design With Social Purpose

GI Joe Live Action Film

I was think­ing about how cool a live action film of GI Joe could be in this ter­ror­ism obsessed age we live in, and low and behold, one may just be in the works after all with a great back sto­ry. Why not? A live action Trans­form­ers film is being produced.

Still Running

This morn­ing I ran my first race since Thanks­giv­ing. Sad to say, I haven’t kept up my (self-)promise to run at least one race every month of the year, as I did­n’t do any last month. What’s worse, I real­ly did­n’t run much at all last month. Well, Angela and I have at least start­ed the… Con­tin­ue read­ing Still Run­ning

Categorized as Running

Text Misadventure by defective yeti

Math­ew Bald­win, bet­ter known as defec­tive yeti, has writ­ten a hilar­i­ous post of the past six years of Pres­i­dent George Bush’s career as a Zork-style text adven­ture. No mat­ter what youre polit­i­cal bent, if you loved Zork half as much as I did, you’re going to be rolling on the floor read­ing it (via BoingBoing).

Wilbur Scoville — Father of Hot

In 1912, Wilbur Scov­ille pub­lished a means of mea­sur­ing the hot­ness of a chili pep­per (the Scov­ille Scale) in “The Jour­nal of the Amer­i­can Phar­ma­cists Asso­ci­a­tion.” I was watch­ing a cool episode of Alton Brown’s Good Eats on chile pep­pers last night and thought that my phar­ma­cist friends, espe­cial­ly those who are Alton Brown fans,… Con­tin­ue read­ing Wilbur Scov­ille — Father of Hot

Categorized as Remainder

Of Asides and Remainders

Adding Asides in Word­Press is such an easy hack to your theme, even I can do it! With all due respect to Matt Mul­len­weg though, I’m call­ing my Remain­ders as a nod to Jason Kot­tke, who to the best of my knowl­edge, start­ed the concept.

Categorized as Remainder


Ob·ses·sion Pro­nun­ci­a­tion: ‘äb- se- sh&n Func­tion: noun Def­i­n­i­tion: An extend­ed peri­od of time spent view­ing count­less episodes of shows or movies in a sim­i­lar genre or the same series because one has become seem­ing­ly addict­ed. Synonym(s): Butt-numb-o-thon (see Har­ry Knowles), addic­tion, OCD. Ety­mol­o­gy: Derived from obses­sion (note the stress on the first syl­la­ble for the new deriva­tion),… Con­tin­ue read­ing Obses­sion