Where’s My gPhone?

Google, along with a num­ber of mobile hard­ware man­u­fac­tur­ers, announced the Android mobile OS today. What became painful­ly obvi­ous, though, from read­ing Engad­get’s live-blog­ging of the con­fer­ence call is that the press mem­bers that were allowed to ask ques­tions have no idea what any of this means. Repeat­ed ques­tions of ‘so when is Google going to release their own mobile hard­ware?’ I fig­ured that there might be some con­fu­sion over open-source licens­ing but it appeared the press did­n’t know hard­ware from soft­ware. It just seemed that the big media tech reporters weren’t ask­ing ques­tions about mov­ing towards stan­dard­ized plat­forms on mobile devices.

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

1 comment

  1. When it comes to tech, the new media seems to be the only ones who are get­ting it. Case in point: read the post by Ryan Block at Engad­get titled: “Palm: Assim­i­late with Android or Die” to get a bet­ter under­stand­ing of why Google’s announce­ment is impor­tant and just how bad the press ask­ing ques­tions missed it.

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