Happy Christmas, 2007

While it’s not exact­ly the rea­son for the sea­son, watch­ing Angela rock out to her new copy of Gui­tar Hero III — Leg­ends of Rock (Wii) in her PJ’s is a pret­ty good rea­son to love Christ­mas morn­ing. That kind of sums up the Christ­mas we’re hav­ing here in Rich­mond this year. We’ve been just… Con­tin­ue read­ing Hap­py Christ­mas, 2007

What I’d Like To See Happen With The Apple iPhone

Ini­tial­ly, Angela was pret­ty excit­ed about the Apple iPhone when we watched Steve Job’s pre­sen­ta­tion on the day of it’s announce­ment. The abil­i­ty to have all of her elec­tron­ics in one easy-to-han­­dle device was very appeal­ing to her, even with the high price tag and required cell provider switch (which we did, with some regret… Con­tin­ue read­ing What I’d Like To See Hap­pen With The Apple iPhone

Categorized as Geek

Beatles Versus Led Zepplin

I always though the only things the Bea­t­les and Led Zep­plin had in com­mon was that they were both genius, Eng­lish rock bands who had a pen­chant for mis­spelling. While that is prob­a­bly still true, what would it have sound like had The Bea­t­les writ­ten “Stair­way to Heav­en?” Well, it might have sound like this: That’s… Con­tin­ue read­ing Bea­t­les Ver­sus Led Zepplin

Ed Coleman Leaving Gateway After Acer Acquisition

CEO (and cousin) Edward Cole­man will leave Gate­way at the end of Jan­u­ary, Acer’s Rudi Schmi­dlei­th­n­er will be tak­ing over the inte­gra­tion of Acer and Gate­way after this year’s acqui­si­tion. Well, here’s hop­ing that Edward and his fam­i­ly move back East. I sure look for­ward to talk­ing to him some­time about his expe­ri­ences there.

Nintendo Leaving Money On the Table

More than a year after the Nin­ten­do Wii hit the mar­ket (did any ever actu­al­ly ‘hit the shelves’?), there is only greater demand for the gam­ing con­sole. As with every­thing on the inter­nets, some the­o­rize this is some con­spir­a­cy or mar­ket­ing scam. Well, I’ve argued all along that it would­n’t be a very good one.… Con­tin­ue read­ing Nin­ten­do Leav­ing Mon­ey On the Table

Nintendo Trinity on the Wii

Last mon­th’s release of Super Mario Par­ty saw the com­ple­tion of the lat­est gen­er­a­tion of Nin­ten­do’s flag­ship titles for it’s newest con­sole sys­tem: the Wii. Along with the release title of The Leg­end of Zel­da: Twi­light Princess and this August’s Metroid Prime 3: Cor­rup­tion, Mario, Link, and Samus are all present on the Wii and… Con­tin­ue read­ing Nin­ten­do Trin­i­ty on the Wii

Richmond In Holiday Lights

I know that this will not be the last time I say this, but we are real­ly going to miss Rich­mond. One rea­son of many is how beau­ti­ful it looks here around the hol­i­days. All the more rea­son to vis­it often…

A New Direction For My Career

As a result of our mov­ing, I have tak­en a posi­tion of Senior Tech­ni­cal Writer with Bent­ley Sys­tems, Inc. Specif­i­cal­ly, I’ll be work­ing with soft­ware in the struc­tures group. In the past three years, Bent­ley has acquired sev­er­al big names in struc­tur­al engi­neer­ing soft­ware: REI (STAAD), RAM Inter­na­tion­al, and more recent­ly TDV GmbH (RM). I… Con­tin­ue read­ing A New Direc­tion For My Career


If you only read one inter­view with secu­ri­ty and cryp­tog­ra­phy expert Bruce Schneier today, make it this one host­ed by Freako­nom­ics co-author Stephen Dub­n­er, with ques­tions sub­mit­ted by his blog read­ers. Loads of great links to posts and arti­cles by Schneier on issues of secu­ri­ty, most of which comes down to ques­tions of eco­nom­ics (and… Con­tin­ue read­ing Freakose­cu­ri­ty