Bumbo Safety Mod

So Angela sends me a quick e‑mail note regard­ing a recall of our favorite lit­tle kids foam seat, the Bum­bo1. The recall is regard­ing the fact that sev­er­al chil­dren have been injured (some quite seri­ous­ly, I under­stand) top­pling out of the seat. Well, lit­tle tod­dlers being squirmy and all, they tend to do that. Espe­cial­ly… Con­tin­ue read­ing Bum­bo Safe­ty Mod

Categorized as Baby

Footnotes Are As Real As The Writer

I hap­pened across this short post on Dar­ing Fire­ball today and quick­ly got swept down the ‘Jon Gru­ber’s Foot­notes’ rab­bit hole. I think seman­tic web pages are a note­wor­thy goal, just as I appre­ci­ate prop­er typog­ra­phy. How­ev­er, I don’t get all hung up about it like these guys1 seem to. I use the Word­Press plu­g­in… Con­tin­ue read­ing Foot­notes Are As Real As The Writer

Categorized as Geek, Meta

Comcast Traffic Shaping

The Asso­ci­at­ed Press­es inves­tiga­tive work on Com­cast’s alleged net­work traf­fic shap­ing (or pos­si­ble out­right block­ing) has been get­ting a lot of cov­er­age today, and right­ful­ly so1. This seems to be the first major instance of a major ISP get­ting their hands caught in the cook­ie jar when it comes to aban­don­ing net­work neu­tral­i­ty, or at… Con­tin­ue read­ing Com­cast Traf­fic Shaping

Categorized as Geek

One Trillion

One tril­lion is a big num­ber. One mil­lion mil­lion. I hon­est­ly nev­er thought I’d have a tril­lion of any­thing oth­er than cells in my body1. When we got the iMac desk­top for our home last Jan­u­ary, I knew that 250GB of stor­age would not be enough. Espe­cial­ly giv­en that we use this as a media… Con­tin­ue read­ing One Tril­lion

Categorized as Geek

Al Gore and IPCC Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

Well, despite you’ve already read this already some­where else, Al Gore and the U.N. Inter­gov­ern­men­tal Pan­el on Cli­mate Change were joint­ly award­ed the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for their work in rais­ing glob­al aware­ness on cli­mate change. It’s true that the past year or so has real­ly been the tip­ping point for glob­al warm­ing in… Con­tin­ue read­ing Al Gore and IPCC Award­ed Nobel Peace Prize