Who Do You Pray To?

Be glad you can't see this.

Sign of the anti-Christ. He’s a trickster.

Are these peo­ple for real? This must be some kind of joke, right? This is the very essence of pure evil. I believe in God, and I think George Bush and that God aren’t on speak­ing terms, let alone on the same tick­et. Why do these morons insist that God is a Repub­li­can, and that the Amer­i­can flag is now a reli­gious sym­bol? Fur­ther, that being an Amer­i­can means believ­ing in the sep­a­ra­tion of church and state. Jesus, does­n’t this make you angry?

How absurd is it that Sen. John Ker­ry of Mass­a­chu­setts is denied par­tak­ing in com­mu­nion (which in my church, isn’t up to the per­son serv­ing to judge) but no one seems to think that the pres­i­dent who sends our troops into harms way for no good rea­son should have that right revoked? Why is it that the same peo­ple who con­demn any­one who speaks ill of the Pres­i­dent Bush as being un-Amer­i­can dur­ing war-time are the same peo­ple who had no prob­lem rip­ping on Pres­i­dent Clin­ton when we had peace keep­ers in the Balkans?

Folks, if you want to save your soul and avoid the fires of hell, you need to show the world you know the truth:

Jesus Is A Liberal

Oh, and for the record, you bet­ter believe that I own one; and this isn’t any joke, either.

I was pret­ty pissed, actu­al­ly, when I wrote this. Two posts from friends help point out that self-right­eous­ness is annoy­ing, no mat­ter who’s doing it.

Sta­cie: Good point. Maybe reli­gion should just be off lim­its for both sides. While I like to believe we’ve enjoyed that in our coun­try in the past cen­tu­ry (most of it, any­way), I think that is at risk. The only dif­fer­ence I see in these prod­ucts is that fact that the lib­er­al t‑shirt does­n’t claim that any leader is clos­er to God. How­ev­er, it cer­tain­ly implies that Jesus (and, by proxy, God) has come down on one side in the cul­ture war. Real­ly not a lot dif­fer­ent than those I was beat­ing up on, or the Tal­iban for that mat­ter. Sor­ry about all that Hell-fire talk. I don’t real­ly much go for believ­ing in Hell, any­way. Speak­ing of that…

Kevin: That’s cool, too. I think reli­gious tol­er­ance has every­thing to do with the free­dom to not choose reli­gion, not just between Bap­tist or Methodist. Fur­ther, what­ev­er belief you choose (or don’t choose, or what­ev­er) should­n’t have to imply a polit­i­cal choice.

So, about that shirt. Yes, I do have one and the first time I wore it around the house, my wife asked me “so you’re okay with the blas­phe­my, then?” I sup­pose I am. I guess today, I for­got the fact that even though I may believe in the mes­sage, there’s still some humor to be had with all of this. For now on, my self-right­eous­ness will be direct­ed toward only pok­ing fun and not just being angry.

Categorized as Politics

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.


  1. I saw this for the first time ear­li­er today on Won­kette. Then went to bushfish.org because I like to give myself the fun­da­men­tal­ist chris­t­ian ick­ies. I bet Jesus would total­ly want us to choose the com­fy lib­er­al tee rather than sup­port those who mis­use their right­eous indig­na­tion and His sacred trade­mark mag­net, and who are we to ques­tion the will of the Lord? 

  2. amen to that.…..George Bush is a hyp­ocrite in the purest form of the word.

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