With this weeks release of iTunes 4.9, which supports podcasting, I thought it might be a good idea to make mention of some of my favorites. Okay, actually Jason J. thought it would be a good idea and I happened to agree. First of all, I should comment on what an unfortunate name Podcasting is, unless… Continue reading Podcasting
Month: June 2005
This site is all about branching out and reaching other people. Friends, family, strangers who just happen to share my name.
Christopher Nolan’s “Batman Begins”
We went to see the latest Batman Film last night. I can honestly say, that if there were any Batman films made before this one, I have completely forgotten them. This is the way Batman was meant to be on the big screen.
The Dark Side of Internet Fame
I had 122 comment spam messages since Friday evening, so I’ve turned comments off for a while, until I can figure out a way to weed them out a little better. After looking at some of the blogs I frequent, it seems that the activity everywhere has increased in the past few days. I hope… Continue reading The Dark Side of Internet Fame
Borderless Shopping
In the age of digital delivery of goods, what do I care about national borders?
Our First Apple
Actually, I grew up on Mac’s. That’s right, my family actually owned one of the original Macintosh computers. Angela just recently got an iBook and they’ve changes a bit since then.
Robo Ballerina
Dancing robots? Where’s my flying car?
Big Government
So we should have a Government that is just big enough that it can peek into our bedroom, but not one inch taller.
Like Passing A Stone
I found out today that I passed my Professional Engineer exam, which is great news! Oddly, I don’t feel any different…
BitTorrent Rules
Download like a pro: use torrent.