
With this weeks release of iTunes 4.9, which sup­ports pod­cast­ing, I thought it might be a good idea to make men­tion of some of my favorites. Okay, actu­al­ly Jason J. thought it would be a good idea and I hap­pened to agree. First of all, I should com­ment on what an unfor­tu­nate name Pod­cast­ing is, unless… Con­tin­ue read­ing Pod­cast­ing

Categorized as Geek


This site is all about branch­ing out and reach­ing oth­er peo­ple. Friends, fam­i­ly, strangers who just hap­pen to share my name.

Christopher Nolan’s “Batman Begins”

We went to see the lat­est Bat­man Film last night. I can hon­est­ly say, that if there were any Bat­man films made before this one, I have com­plete­ly for­got­ten them. This is the way Bat­man was meant to be on the big screen.

Borderless Shopping

In the age of dig­i­tal deliv­ery of goods, what do I care about nation­al borders?

Categorized as Music

Our First Apple

Actu­al­ly, I grew up on Mac’s. That’s right, my fam­i­ly actu­al­ly owned one of the orig­i­nal Mac­in­tosh com­put­ers. Angela just recent­ly got an iBook and they’ve changes a bit since then.

Big Government

So we should have a Gov­ern­ment that is just big enough that it can peek into our bed­room, but not one inch taller.

Categorized as Politics

Like Passing A Stone

I found out today that I passed my Pro­fes­sion­al Engi­neer exam, which is great news! Odd­ly, I don’t feel any different…