
With this weeks release of iTunes 4.9, which sup­ports pod­cast­ing, I thought it might be a good idea to make men­tion of some of my favorites. Okay, actu­al­ly Jason J. thought it would be a good idea and I hap­pened to agree.

First of all, I should com­ment on what an unfor­tu­nate name Pod­cast­ing is, unless you’re Apple. I have men­tioned it to a num­ber of peo­ple who have respond­ed that they don’t lis­ten to pod­casts since they don’t own an iPod. Pod­casts are noth­ing more than .mp3 files which have a RSS feed such that indi­vid­u­als can sub­scribe to them. If you have any device that can lis­ten to .mp3’s, you can get pod­casts. Let’s assume that if you’re read­ing a weblog, you have such a device right in front of you. Of course, now that you can sub­scribe to these RSS feeds from with­in iTunes, life is so much sim­pler (not that using iPod­der was dif­fi­cult or any­thing). So, with­out more wast­ed bits, here are some of my favorites and why:

  • Sci­Fi Chan­nel’s Sci­Fi Wire has Randy Judice read­ing you all the weeks hap­pen­ings in Sci­Fi and Fan­ta­sy movies, games, books, etc. I’ve read the wire for years, and hav­ing it read to me is nice for my dri­ve to work once a week.
  • Sci­ence Fri­day — Ira Fla­tow hosts this NPR pro­gram, which is deliv­ered in pod­cast for­mat on the fol­low Mon­day. Cur­rent­ly, each seg­ment of the 2 hour show is bro­ken into dif­fer­ent pod­casts, but hope­ful­ly they will soon make use of the new pod­cast chap­ter for­mat. This show is a great dis­cus­sion of hard sci­ence and sci­ence policy.
  • Engad­get — Okay, I liked it bet­ter when Philip Tor­rone host­ed the show, but the guys at Engad­get have a good show. This is a typ­i­cal for­mat of many pod­casts: sim­ply dis­cus­sion of some news items of some relat­ed inter­est. These hap­pen to be geek­ery and gad­gets. Phil Tor­rone can still be heard on the Make Mag­a­zine pod­cast, as well.
  • Gar­rick Van Buren’s First Crack show has that homey feel­ing about it. He inter­views twin city locals and talks about var­i­ous issues sur­round­ing life in Minnesota. 
  • The Beeb cur­rent­ly has some pod­cast tri­als, but sad­ly, the world news still isn’t in pod­cast for­mat. How James Bond will you feel hav­ing a sexy British accent­ed voice giv­ing you world­wide updates through your head­phones? You can at least get the movie reviews.

I should also note that a num­ber of NPR’s shows, such as CarTalk, are avail­able for a year’s sub­scrip­tion free at Audible.com. Also, Air Amer­i­ca has some shows, such as Al Franken’s, in pod­cast for­mat as well.

Well, that’s hon­est­ly most of the pod­casts I’ve ever lis­tened to more than once. Believe me, there are many that you would only want to lis­ten to once. How­ev­er, as more avenues of infor­ma­tion open up to the for­mat, it will be increas­ing­ly worth while to stay on top of the lat­est posts. That’s one of the rea­sons hav­ing the BBC and NPR exper­i­ment with the for­mat is so cool. Since those two sources, along with Sci­Fi Chan­nel, account for 80% of my news, I stay well informed using this.

6/30/2005 Update: Accord­ing to Chuck at Blogu­men­tary, iTunes 4.9 sup­ports vlog­ging as well. So now, I can also watch Rock­et­boom dai­ly in iTunes as well (I sure do love watch­ing that Aman­da Con­g­don). Not that using the quick­time plu­g­in for Fire­Fox was real­ly a bur­den. It is still cool, though.

Categorized as Geek

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.


  1. Jason, I’m glad you’re enjoy­ing the First Crack pod­cast. I too pre­ferred Phil Tor­rone on the Engad­get pod­cast. Thanks for listening.

  2. I’ve nev­er lis­tened to a sin­gle pod­cast. I think it has to do with a very short trip to work and liv­ing in an office (not cubi­cles) with two oth­er co-workers.

    Once I get my own office in August I might start lis­ten­ing. ‘Till then, well … no pod­casts for me.

  3. Thanks, man. That’ll get me start­ed. I don’t know yet if I’ll real­ly make use of the pod­cast­ing thing, but I’m going to give it a shot.

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