Fourth of July

The Fourth this year end­ed up being a very qui­et affair around our house. That’s a change from years past, as we usu­al­ly plan some­thing with friends and fam­i­ly. Last year, we went to see the Rich­mond Braves play down at the Dia­mond and the year before, we drove up to D.C. to see the con­cert and watch the fire­works on the nation­al mall. Both years we spent the day with Ange­la’s broth­er and his fam­i­ly. We had a great time, but those are some pret­ty large crowds and there’s a ton of traf­fic (I’ve actu­al­ly nev­er seen a larg­er crowd than D.C., and that’s real­ly is something).

This year, a cou­ple of our friends came down from PA for a few days. They came with some great news (a baby on the way). How­ev­er, work sched­ules had them leav­ing us in around lunchtime on Mon­day, so we had the whole after­noon to spend at home. Angela ate water­mel­on on the deck and we ate some left­over grilled mam­mals for din­ner. We spent the last part of the evening sit­ting in the dark of one of the upstairs bed­rooms just watch­ing the fire­works over the trees. We got the show from the base­ball sta­di­um and then anoth­er from Byrd Park, all from the same window.

I’m sure I could make some thin anal­o­gy to free­dom or inde­pen­dence, as I usu­al­ly tend towards doing, but I’ll save it. Just think about near com­plete silence, save for the occa­sion­al delayed pops in the dis­tance of some bright reds and greens. Then just turn­ing to the one you love and think­ing what a great hol­i­day it turned out to be.

Categorized as Life

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

1 comment

  1. Sounds fami­lar to my 4th of july night. I will try to call you all on Sunday.

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