Pardon Our Dust

[NOTE: You may need to hit refresh, even after you’ve loaded the page in your brows­er, to get the most recent style sheet. Don’t wor­ry if that does­n’t make sense. It does­n’t make sense to me why you need to do it.]

Pro­vid­ing you can read this post at all, you can like­ly see I’m back to work­ing on the site again, rather than just post­ing at ran­dom. On the back end, I’ve upgrad­ed to the most recent ver­sion of Word­Press (v1.5.2, if you count­ing). I’m attempt­ing to clean up some of the site as well. I’d like to go for a slight­ly less “blog­gy” feel. I’m insane­ly jeal­ous of Trey’s site. He can feel safe in know­ing that it sim­ply isn’t pos­si­ble for me to muster up enough lay­out and cod­ing abil­i­ty over the course of a week­end to actu­al­ly copy him. I’ll have to set­tle for inspi­ra­tion and envy.

Also, I’m going to keep all this live the entire time, no mat­ter how ter­ri­ble it looks. I know that must make my design friends just shiv­er, but I’m in the con­struc­tion busi­ness. You don’t shut down a build­ing just because you’re ren­o­vat­ing it. You sim­ply put up plas­tic and ply­wood to pro­tect peo­ple from falling debris. I treat this no dif­fer­ent­ly. Watch out for falling analo­gies. Some­one could get seri­ous­ly hurt if they stray too far.

Well, if you’re read­ing this in Inter­net Explor­er… well, then you aren’t read­ing any­thing at al you can thank Jason J. for help­ing me clear things up. For some rea­son, IE decides to only dis­play the head­er and nav­i­ga­tion bar. Very odd, indeed. I have no idea at what point it decid­ed to do this, so I real­ly don’t know what is caus­ing it. I’ll have to come up with a stop-gap mea­sure until then. More to come.

Not that I real­ly expect any­one who comes to this site to do so, but if you were to click on that lit­tle but­ton on the left that reads ” Valid XTHML”, you’d learn that that was, in fact, a lie. How­ev­er, in my defense, it’s the Flickr Badge script that is in error! Bad Flickr! I’ll have to see what I can do about that, but since my knowl­edge of Java Script is only a lit­tle bit more than my Schnau­zer’s, it might take a while. Until, I’ll have to con­tin­ue to live a lie.

Categorized as Geek, Meta

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

1 comment

  1. No prob­lems here view­ing your blog from IE. Guess you got it fig­ured out. Take care talk to ya soon

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