Nintendo Trinity on the Wii

Last mon­th’s release of Super Mario Par­ty saw the com­ple­tion of the lat­est gen­er­a­tion of Nin­ten­do’s flag­ship titles for it’s newest con­sole sys­tem: the Wii. Along with the release title of The Leg­end of Zel­da: Twi­light Princess and this August’s Metroid Prime 3: Cor­rup­tion, Mario, Link, and Samus are all present on the Wii and… Con­tin­ue read­ing Nin­ten­do Trin­i­ty on the Wii

Footnotes Are As Real As The Writer

I hap­pened across this short post on Dar­ing Fire­ball today and quick­ly got swept down the ‘Jon Gru­ber’s Foot­notes’ rab­bit hole. I think seman­tic web pages are a note­wor­thy goal, just as I appre­ci­ate prop­er typog­ra­phy. How­ev­er, I don’t get all hung up about it like these guys1 seem to. I use the Word­Press plu­g­in… Con­tin­ue read­ing Foot­notes Are As Real As The Writer

Categorized as Geek, Meta

New World in Adverstising

Well, a lot of you may read this site via an RSS feed so you might not have noticed that I now have adver­tise­ments in the side­bar. It’s just a Google Adsense pan­el, so noth­ing you haven’t seen before if you’ve been using the web in, oh, the past few years. Now, just in case… Con­tin­ue read­ing New World in Adverstising

Categorized as Meta

Aksimet Is Awesome

I know I’ve had a few short posts before about com­ment spam here before, and occa­sion­al­ly I still get some to come through. How­ev­er, Akismet has done a remark­ably good job of catch­ing almost all of them, and with only a sin­gle false pos­i­tive I’ve ever found (and that was because the com­menter had placed… Con­tin­ue read­ing Aksimet Is Awesome


I had a remark­able 241 com­ment spam items caught by Akismet this morn­ing. So far, Akismet has missed only about two or three items and only had one false pos­i­tive that I know of. Pret­ty remark­able since it has caught over 1,600 com­ment spam messeges since I first installed it. How­ev­er, I don’t the patience… Con­tin­ue read­ing Spam-a-lot


Well, the keen read­er may notice I’m play­ing around with the style of this site some. One lit­tle CSS tip that I can pass on, for those of you who care to know: dif­fer­ent browsers han­dle the error of replac­ing { with ( very dif­fer­ent­ly. Where­as Opera 8.0 and IE6 try their best to cope,… Con­tin­ue read­ing CSS Tip